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#1 2010-01-06 15:50:55

Registered: 2009-03-27
Posts: 11

Netload premium download script - help?

I have a script that successfully downloads from storage.to premium accounts by grabbing the cookie and then using it with wget:


wget --save-cookies=storage.txt --post-data="email=<insert email here>&password=<insert password here>" http://www.storage.to/login -O -
wget --load-cookies storage.txt <insert file here> -o log.txt

I am trying to do the same with netload.in but I think I am having problems getting the correct cookie. My current script is:


wget --save-cookies=netload.txt --post-data="txtuser=<insert user here>&txtpass=<insert password here>&txtcheck=login" http://www.netload.in/index.php -O -
wget --load-cookies netload.txt <insert file here> -o log.txt

This uses the txtuser, txtpass and txtcheck fields in the post-data to get the cookie as specified in the login form source on the main netload.in page.

When I run the script a cookie is retrieved but when attempting to retrieve the file (using the cookie) all I get back is the html document for the download page.

Has anyone been able to get this to work, or can suggest a solution?



#2 2010-01-08 14:58:28

Registered: 2008-06-03
Posts: 14

Re: Netload premium download script - help?

Although discontinued and in German on top, this package might shed some light on your issue:

http://board.gulli.com/thread/1302690-l … interface/

BTW, I am using this downloader for a few month now to my total satisfaction (RS and NL).



#3 2010-01-08 22:19:37

Registered: 2009-03-27
Posts: 11

Re: Netload premium download script - help?

Thanks for the link Thomas..

This seems to work ok..


curl -s "http://www.netload.in/index.php" -d="txtuser=<insert user here>&txtpass=<insert password here>&txtcheck=login&txtlogin="  --cookie-jar netload.txt > /dev/null
wget --load-cookies netload.txt <insert file here> -o log.txt

Obviously you need to install curl (ipkg install libcurl) first..

Not sure why the wget version doesn't work.. the curl version gets a more comprehensive cookie file by the looks of it..



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