Unfortunately no one can be told what fun_plug is - you have to see it for yourself.
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I'm experiencing only a slight performance difference between uTorrent (windows) and mlDonkey (like uTorrent reports 800kbyte/s download, while mlDonkey 759k), but it has never been as significant that I started to measure it in detail. Even uploading is somewhat slower (i get arround 42-44kbyte - limit is 46kbyte, where uTorrent can upload arround 55 - limited to 50). I guess the setting could be fine tuned in the ini file for bittorrent for you connection.
bob1234 wrote:
I'm using shadowandy's mldoneky light package. I got everything to run.
The only problem I have is that the download speed for a torrent is very low.
Usuly it is arround 5kb/s at maximum. When I use a different torrent
client on my computer I get much higher speeds with the same torrent.
Ports are forwarded correctly. Does anyone else has the same experience?
Maybe it is a general mldonkey issue?
Problem 1: mlDonkey stops seeding!
Does anybody has the same? I'm experinecing that mlDonky stops seeding if I seed torrents, with lot of other seeders. I would assume, that for a while the network activity stops, the disks go to powersave mode and after that mlDonkey can not seed anymore. If I restart mlDonkey than everything is fine, it seeds again (alone wakeing up the disk shows no effect). Has anyone the same problme? Is it possible, to make only one of the disks go sleep (no setting for that in the admin page). Is there a command for mlDonkey to restart instead of kill, that I can give in the command line of the web interface?
Problem 2: sometime I download a torrent from a tracker, but want to seed it on a different one. Presently I follow this procedure. I download the torrent from Page 1 into the /incomming folder. Mldonkey moves it to downloading folder. After it downloads mlDonkey puts it into the seeding folder. Here I come. I move the torrent from the seeding folder to the old folder. I download the torrent from Page 2 to the incomming folder. It moves to downloading folder. It acutaly starts to download. I move the torrent to the seeding folder. I cancel the downlaod on the web interface and than wait to seed the torrent. It works. My question: how it could be done easier? Is there a command to move the torrents between folders via the web interface (I do it with telnet at the momment)?
I find that with poorly seeded torrents my speed is considerably higher with something like Azureus. When it is well seeded there's not much difference.
danair wrote:
I find that with poorly seeded torrents my speed is considerably higher with something like Azureus. When it is well seeded there's not much difference.
toni wrote:
I'm experiencing only a slight performance difference between uTorrent (windows) and mlDonkey (like uTorrent reports 800kbyte/s download, while mlDonkey 759k), but it has never been as significant that I started to measure it in detail. Even uploading is somewhat slower (i get arround 42-44kbyte - limit is 46kbyte, where uTorrent can upload arround 55 - limited to 50). I guess the setting could be fine tuned in the ini file for bittorrent for you connection.
Did anyone of you change the download.ini provided by shadowandy?
bob1234 wrote:
Did anyone of you change the download.ini provided by shadowandy?
I didn't...
I'm having the speed issue too, with 2.9.2, download speed super slow around 15 kbytes/s, utorrent up to 400 kbytes/s, but upload is fast in 2.9.2 !
porttest all passed!
Any tips for mldonkey speed settings?
I tested version 2.9.0, 2.9.1 and 2.9.2. Everytime I got a maximum of 20 kbytes/sec.
I swtiched back to rtorrent (running in a chroot) and now I can download again with fast speeds.
I changed nothing in the download.ini only in the bittorrent.ini the listening port.
The porttest was ok.
I changed a few things in the download.ini and in the bittorrent.ini. I can download with 750-800kbyte/sec, which is representing the phisical capacity of my line. Upload is now at ~40kbyte, which is not the maximum, since it should go over 50 (line is capable of ~56), or at least at constant 46 (which is the speed limit set in the ini). I usually do not seed more than 3-5 torrents at the same time and I get about 30 connection and 10-15 uploaders (so I almost never reach the limits I have set). Port is open. The tracker sees my connection active.
If you have not changed anything, than you should check the followings and raise them if possible:
max_openned_connections (this has to be aligned with your router's setting if any - so router is not limiting this number) - I have 256 (never used it out)
BT-max_uploaders_per_torrent - deffault is 5, I increased it to 10
BT-max_bt_uploaders - deffault is 5, I increased it to 22
BT-client_timeout - this is now 90, It could be probably decresed so broken connections free earlier, but since I never reached connection limit I did not changed.
Some of the settings you can not change in the web interface, so I just killed the core. Changed the bittorrent and download ini (vi) and started the core again. Note: don"t forget to set the temp dir pointing to your HDD, otherwise you may have unfinished torrents!
I hope this helps a little, and even I don"t reach the speed of utorrent, download is fast upload is satisfactory for me (mldonkey 2.9.0).
bob1234 wrote:
I tested version 2.9.0, 2.9.1 and 2.9.2. Everytime I got a maximum of 20 kbytes/sec.
I swtiched back to rtorrent (running in a chroot) and now I can download again with fast speeds.
I changed nothing in the download.ini only in the bittorrent.ini the listening port.
The porttest was ok.
New here and have newly installed shadowandy Mldonkey Real simple 2.9.2 . I have the same problem with poor downloding speed, ”toni” solutions shall be tested as soon I can.
Have more problem and help needs from somebody..
The files that is downloaded can´t be deleted?. From volume_1 ?
have any had the same problem..
lw wrote:
The files that is downloaded can´t be deleted?. From volume_1 ?
Also seeing this, although mine also can't be moved etc.
I haven't downloaded ShadowAndys download.ini (next thing to try), although I'm running his latest compiled version.
You have a few options for deleting files:
1. Telnet to the unit as root and delete whatever you want (easy, quick, dirty). For deleting complete directories you use "rm -r /mnt/.......", where you have to give the path (/mnt/Hd_a2/mldonkey/incomming/directories/... for me, for volume 2 it is /mnt/Hd_b2....)
2. Set different file premission for the downloaded directories and files in the option menu of mldonkey web interface (options/settings/files). By default the owner can only delete/write the directories and the files so others can only read/execute, you can easily change so that all can delete/write them...
3. Set up a user for mldonkey identical to the user you use for accessing the NAS. (By default mldonkey uses admin user and gives root.root ownership for the files it downloads).
I actually use the first option, since the rm -r command works the fastest and I need to unrar most of the downloaded files, so i have to telnet to the unit anyway (basically telnet does not need a password, this you should change as discribed in the HOWTO).
lw wrote:
New here and have newly installed shadowandy Mldonkey Real simple 2.9.2 . I have the same problem with poor downloding speed, ”toni” solutions shall be tested as soon I can.
Have more problem and help needs from somebody..
The files that is downloaded can´t be deleted?. From volume_1 ?
have any had the same problem..
I'm using version 292 Chrooted and have no speed troubles at all! Great work ShadowAndy, cant thank you enough!
Be sure to forward the right ports in your Router!
toni wrote:
You have a few options for deleting files:
1. Telnet to the unit as root and delete whatever you want (easy, quick, dirty). For deleting complete directories you use "rm -r /mnt/.......", where you have to give the path (/mnt/Hd_a2/mldonkey/incomming/directories/... for me, for volume 2 it is /mnt/Hd_b2....)
2. Set different file premission for the downloaded directories and files in the option menu of mldonkey web interface (options/settings/files). By default the owner can only delete/write the directories and the files so others can only read/execute, you can easily change so that all can delete/write them...
3. Set up a user for mldonkey identical to the user you use for accessing the NAS. (By default mldonkey uses admin user and gives root.root ownership for the files it downloads).
I actually use the first option, since the rm -r command works the fastest and I need to unrar most of the downloaded files, so i have to telnet to the unit anyway (basically telnet does not need a password, this you should change as discribed in the HOWTO).
Thanks Toni, now is the speed nice and I can delete the downloded files have only some small problems on the directoris "the torrents dropping dir" left, I have no right to dropp anything in that directoy..hmmm, I am not so good at Telneting and linux commads...
I think that my english writing and linux is in the same level or
Still trying.. and lern!
Thanks agin...
Hi lw
unfortunately the mldonkey/torrent/ directory has no execute premission for "others". This was a problem for me as well, as I could not put the files to the torrent/incomming/ directory (this is, how I remotely make torrents to download - I put them via ftp to that directory or save them here...)
What you can do - put a line chmod a+x /mnt/Hd_a2/mldonkey/torrents into the end of your funplug script (or lunch it manually - but take care, anytime you restart mldonkey, the premissions will be restored to default). With this you can go inside the directory. Here you can allow writing/deleting by the command chmod a+w for all the dirs. With this you can move your torrent files (from seeded to old for example). If you want to delete some files make sure you remove its torrent from the seeding directory and that all the uploaders are disconnected...
Hey this may be a silly question, i have installed mldonkey and started a torrent, it all seems to be working fine, i can connect in every way available, however i can't find where the files are being downloaded to.
so where are the files stored whilst being downloaded, and where will they go once the download is finished and is being seeded.
viruzeno wrote:
Hey this may be a silly question, i have installed mldonkey and started a torrent, it all seems to be working fine, i can connect in every way available, however i can't find where the files are being downloaded to.
so where are the files stored whilst being downloaded, and where will they go once the download is finished and is being seeded.
When they are finished they will be in mldonkey/incoming/files*
* could also be in /directories depending upon what is in the torrent.
viruzeno wrote:
Hey this may be a silly question, i have installed mldonkey and started a torrent, it all seems to be working fine, i can connect in every way available, however i can't find where the files are being downloaded to.
so where are the files stored whilst being downloaded, and where will they go once the download is finished and is being seeded.
You might want to use the file_completed_cmd to shift files out
viruzeno wrote:
Hey this may be a silly question, i have installed mldonkey and started a torrent, it all seems to be working fine, i can connect in every way available, however i can't find where the files are being downloaded to.
so where are the files stored whilst being downloaded, and where will they go once the download is finished and is being seeded.
hi, I'd just install mldonkey v2.9.2. How to add the torrent? I tried clicked DL button, window pop up with editable box and a input button. tried copy and paste absolute path in the box, then press input but failed..
Any help?
Use the Sancho gui - it's simple.
easiest way is to save the torrent file to you .../mldonkey/torrent/incomming directory (if you have it shared it is no problem to save here). Worst case in one minute it will start downloading (the script checks the dir every 1 minute). It is good also, because you can put torrents to this dir with ftp from remote locations as well. Take care, that you change the directory premission so .../mldonkey/torrent is accessable (+x) to the user you access you NAS with.
plasmaray wrote:
viruzeno wrote:
Hey this may be a silly question, i have installed mldonkey and started a torrent, it all seems to be working fine, i can connect in every way available, however i can't find where the files are being downloaded to.
so where are the files stored whilst being downloaded, and where will they go once the download is finished and is being seeded.hi, I'd just install mldonkey v2.9.2. How to add the torrent? I tried clicked DL button, window pop up with editable box and a input button. tried copy and paste absolute path in the box, then press input but failed..
Any help?
I keep on getting userid password error. the default id is 'admin', and i'm using host ip http://<dns-323 ip>:4080. Anythign error?
Does the simple 2.9.2 version come with the modified downloads.ini that is also on shadowandy's site?
I seem to be having baaad speed issues. I can upload at the limits of my con (around 80kb/sec) but can only download at around 5kb/sec.
Have you set a password for admin? If not, you should telnet into mldonkey (probably port 4040, but check it in your ini) and set a password for the admin. It is described in the manual by shadowhandy...
plasmaray wrote:
I keep on getting userid password error. the default id is 'admin', and i'm using host ip http://<dns-323 ip>:4080. Anythign error?
I don't really know the settings comming with 2.9.2, but you can check some of it on your own:
1. Check the number of connection (total and per torrent). You can see that on web interface up-right corner when in Transfer/download section. I have total at 250, normaly I never reach that.Check your router, if any, how many connection it lets through (should be higher - like 256).
2. Check weather you limit your upload speed - full speed upload kills download speed, so if you have max 80, than I would limit it to 70.
3. Check weather the port you use is open (porttest command in the web interface, let some time, than press refresh). Try changing the port, it may be tracked by the service provider or has conflict.
4. Be patient, things start to accelerate slowly.
Normaly download speed is not a problem, upload is more tricky... I hope this helps.
monkeymajiik wrote:
Does the simple 2.9.2 version come with the modified downloads.ini that is also on shadowandy's site?
I seem to be having baaad speed issues. I can upload at the limits of my con (around 80kb/sec) but can only download at around 5kb/sec.
Hi everyone,
I have sucessfully installed MLDonkey on my DNS-323 and it is working fine for the pirate bay torrents. I have been lucky enough recently be invited to a private tracker! They are quite picky about the clients used and when I use MLDonkey the torrents will not connect. Their FAQ says they support Azureus, uTorrent, BitTornado, rTorrent, Transmission, and KTorrent. Is there any precompiled versions of these with a webUI that I can easily install on my NAS. I am fairly new to the whole linux thing. I can telnet into the machine and I can move files around and change permissions but I have no idea what compiling is. Am I in for a challenging week trying to get this thing to work? I got MLDOnkey working just using those all in one packages on this board...
Thanks for any info!