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it's been a while since working with network permissions and I am noob at Linux...but I'm trying to set up a 323 so that 3 buddies in different states can FTP into it and give me or copy files as well keep a back up of files from my own computer.
I figured by putting all the users into a group I could make a group that could read the all files...seems logical enough right?
But when I try to give each person read/write only permissions to their particular folder under the same volume, the GUI comes back with "Can not be modify, Because this user has exist in a group". (not a typo - look at the image)
Am I not understanding the difference between the NETWORK ACCESS tab and the FTP SERVER tab? I am thinking that network access is for only the local people in my workgroup. FTP SERVER is for those persons accessing the NAS from outside the home network.
After all the roadblocks I've encountered, I reset the box to factory settings and have allowed one person and myself to be able to FTP into the NAS....and it works (can create/edit and read/write to the directories.
When you group a bunch of users, you can only give them access to one folder which everyone can access. everyone has the same permissions.
If you want each user to have access to a special folder, create each user separately with access to his/her own folder. You have to remove users from the group in order to do this.
Thanks for your reply. I'll definitely take that into consideration.
I also some found some info at ftp://files.dlink.com.au/products/DNS-3 … ssions.pdf