Unfortunately no one can be told what fun_plug is - you have to see it for yourself.
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New Squeezebox Server packages are available from the usual places.
The squeezecenter-funplug tarball is available from http://www.inreto.de/dns323/squeezecent … lug/7.5.1/
A separate squeezeboxserver package is available from http://www.inreto.de/dns323/fun-plug/0. … -packages/
Note that version 7.5.1 requires an upgrade of perl-mod-Audio-Scan.
Have fun.
fonz wrote:
Have fun.
Thank you, I will!
How hard is it to update this Audio-Scan library?
SBS 7.5.2 (beta) requires Audio::Scan 0.84
I funpkg'ed gcc & make on my SBS DNS-323, but make failed.
Thiam wrote:
How hard is it to update this Audio-Scan library?
SBS 7.5.2 (beta) requires Audio::Scan 0.84
I funpkg'ed gcc & make on my SBS DNS-323, but make failed.
0.82 for sbs 7.5.1 is here: http://www.inreto.de/dns323/fun-plug/0. … Audio-Scan
Upgrading from source is simple, there's nothing special about Audio::Scan. If it doesn't compile, you most likely missed one or two of the packages required to compile stuff.
I'm sure I'm missing something obvious, but SSH doesn't seem to be included in the new tarball.
When I do chmod 766 /ffp/start/sshd.sh from telnet, I get a "No such file or directory" error
Thanks for any help.
First of all, fonz, thank you so much for all the effort you've put into this. I installed the fun_plug and sqeezebox server 7.5.1 on my DNS-321 and it has all gone quite smoothly.
I would like to install ssh and some other packages. rsync also seems to not be included. I could get around that, but I can't find funpkg, and without that I don't see how to install packages.
It seems like the simplest thing to do would be to download the fun_plug 0.5 tarball and reboot, which will un-tar all the stuff, but I'm not sure that's a good idea. I would be very grateful for your suggestion of how to do this.
Thanks, Nat
Hello fonz,
is there any chance that you would create an update to the latest version of the the squeezecenter server software (currently 7.5.4) ?
The background for this is that my squeezebox always want to re-flash it's firmware in a loop-like circle:
When I am connecting to my local server on the DNS-323 (which is your package, 7.5.3), it wants to flash firmware 7.5.3 r9377
When I am connecting to mysqeezebox.com in order to hear Internet-radio (DNS-323 switched off) if wants me to upgrade to 7.5.4 r9408.
The next time I connect again to the DNS-323 I am forced to downgrade to firmware 7.5.3 r9377 again
==> So I have a not-so-nice vicious circle / update-downgrade loop here.
My hope is that running version 7.5.4 on the DNS-323 will avoid this stupid firmware flashing exercise.
Any chance to motivate you to provide updated squeezecenter packages ? I also saw that some people even managed to get version 7.6 up and running, it seems t be way more complicated than installing a convinient, trustworthy and realliable fonz-package...
Thank you your time and consideration
Hello fonz,
I can confirm that your new package works fine for me AND that it solved my firmware upgrade/downgrade issue.
Kudos, thank you and "Dankeschön"!!!