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#1 2011-01-22 20:02:16

Registered: 2011-01-16
Posts: 15

Making an AFP volume read-only

I want to make my backup drive (HD_b2, aka Left Hand Drive) read-only through AFP. I am unable to decipher a relevant setting in the .AppleVolumes.Default file for netatalk.  A point in the right direction please.

Setting the share as read-only in Samba was easy and mounting the volume shows the crossed-out pen in the bottom left of the Finder window.   Through AFS, I (regular user) am denied write permission in the backup directory since it has a permission of 755 (owner:group is root:root).  That's good.  However, if I traverse into a directory that is owned by my regular user, I am afraid that the Finder will be able to write .AppleDouble and .DS_Store files and possibly taint the "backup".  Of course, in theory, my user would then also be able to delete/modify files too.  I am afraid to even test this out for fear of tainting the 5+ day backup!

Please advise on how to configure AFP to mount a volume as Read-Only.

DNS-321 • 2 x 2TB WD20EADS in standard mode • ffp 0.5



#2 2011-01-22 23:33:49

Registered: 2011-01-16
Posts: 15

Re: Making an AFP volume read-only

Problem solved.  There is a very easy-to-miss line in the miscellaneous options section of AppleDouble.default file to make a volume read-only

/mnt/HD_b2/BackupDir "Backup Drive" options:ro

It's so wonderful to be able to answer my own question!  As usual, the answer presented itself not during the first 2 days of searching for it, but 2 hours after posting for help! roll

DNS-321 • 2 x 2TB WD20EADS in standard mode • ffp 0.5



#3 2011-01-29 16:26:43

Registered: 2011-01-11
Posts: 11

Re: Making an AFP volume read-only

Thanks for posting your own answer.

I had this same question in the back of my mind -- just made the quick config change and now have my "Volume 2" as read only in Finder...



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