DSM-G600, DNS-3xx and NSA-220 Hack Forum

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#1 2011-07-18 19:53:13

New member
Registered: 2011-07-18
Posts: 2

fanctl on DNS-321

I followed the instruction to install fanctl to be used on my DNS-321

The instruction says,"
sh /ffp/start/fanctl.sh start
After entering the above command, the fan will run with a audible noise for a few seconds. "

But I did not hear "the fan will run with a audible noise for a few seconds"

I did see
12628 root     /ffp/sbin/fanctl /ffp/etc/fanctl.conf
12635 root     grep fan

It looks like that fanctl is installed.

I have my DNS-321 in the basement which is quite cool. As a matter of fact, I don't seem to hear the fan running at all.  After watching movie from the DNS-321 for a few hours on the main floor , I lost my video. I went down to the basement, the DNS-321 was powered off.  I am not sure if it was because the fan never run and the box was over heating ? I just have to power it back on and life continue. Is there an easy way to test if the fanctl is actually doing its work ? Is there a log that I can check the temperature of my DNS-321 ?

Last edited by 321_uaer (2011-07-18 19:54:27)



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