DSM-G600, DNS-3xx and NSA-220 Hack Forum

Unfortunately no one can be told what fun_plug is - you have to see it for yourself.

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#1 2011-10-01 06:34:34

New member
Registered: 2011-02-09
Posts: 2

NAS as ASP.NET server

I have a DNS-323 with Fonz fun_plug, lighttpd w/PHP, and SQL (tested w/mediatomb).  All of this is running OK.  I recently commissioned some web work and the developer had to do it in ASP.NET.  I'm trying to keep my running equipment as low-power and simple as possible, so would like to run this from my NAS instead of my Win7 box or buying a hosting service from GoDaddy (or other).

1) Can the lighttpd+php/mysql serve an ASP.NET page properly?  Is it possible at all with fun_plug or alt-f or otherwise?
2) If not, then what services are really necessary to serve ASP.NET pages?  I'm pretty sure IIS will do it from my Win7 box, but will a LAMP server?  I can't find the answer to what services are required for ASP.NET developed pages to work.
3) If I understand ASP.NET, the page is rendered out as javascript, but I'm not sure that's correct, nor whether that happens on the server side or in the browser client side.  How does the ASP.NET process parse out?

If anyone can illuminate these questions, I would greatly appreciate it.  Particularly if there's any way to successfully run ASP.NET pages from a NAS server (I'll accept any other NAS suggestions if DNS-323 will not do it) and what the ASP.NET process is and what services (if any) it requires to serve pages.

Thanks 1,000,000 in advance.



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