Unfortunately no one can be told what fun_plug is - you have to see it for yourself.
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Trying to update my unison to -2.32.52 on the dns-323 If unsuccessful I will just have to apt-pin unison to 2.27.57-2 for my debians.
I am performing the "make" on the DNS-323
best google search for me is make UISTYLE=text NATIVE=false -- nothing but arm
ocaml is ocaml_3.12.0-1_arm.ipk no ocamlopt in .ipk so raise flag of NATIVE=false
I have core-utils and ocaml etc. installed.
Downloaded the source.tgz
Untarred on my desktop and scp -r the unison-2.32.52 directory to /mnt/HD_b2/testbed/
make NATIVE=false UISTYLE=text
yields after a fair run through various config files (close, ever so close)
make: *** [update.cmo] Error 2
error messages towards end
ocamlc: update.ml ---> update.cmo
ocamlc -I lwt -I ubase -custom -g -c /mnt/HD_b2/testbed/unison-2.32.52/update.ml
File "/mnt/HD_b2/testbed/unison-2.32.52/update.ml", line 1, characters 0-1:
Error: The implementation /mnt/HD_b2/testbed/unison-2.32.52/update.ml
does not match the interface update.cmi:
Modules do not match:
type key = Name.t
type 'a t = 'a MyMap.Make(Name).t
val empty : 'a t
val is_empty : 'a t -> bool etc.
Beginning of make when it is sweet
ocamlc -o mkProjectInfo mkProjectInfo.ml
./mkProjectInfo > Makefile.ProjectInfo
UISTYLE = text
Building for Unix
NATIVE = false
THREADS = false
STATIC = false
echo 'let myName = "'unison'";;' > ubase/projectInfo.ml
echo 'let myVersion = "'2.32.52'";;' >> ubase/projectInfo.ml
echo 'let myMajorVersion = "'2.32'";;' >> ubase/projectInfo.ml
ocamlc: ubase/projectInfo.ml ---> ubase/projectInfo.cmo
ocamlc -I lwt -I ubase -custom -g -c /mnt/HD_b2/testbed/unison-2.32.52/ubase/projectInfo.ml
ocamlc: ubase/myMap.mli ---> ubase/myMap.cmi
I do a make clean after trying various changes.
make NATIVE=false UISTYLE=text STATIC=true yields the same results when changing Makefile.OCaml as suggested on
http://wiki.cizmar.org/doku.php?id=linu … _for_armel
Any help would be appreciated.
days later
I found http://mybookworld.wikidot.com/get-unison-working and the change Map.5 to MyMap.5 in update.mli got me several step further, but it always stopped at the second time that the osx support was encountered.
I realized that, I can always configure a newer unison on machines, that was sucessful on AMD64 on my computer. There was no need to change to MyMap.5 in update.mil. However it still fails in the same point when configuring OSX foibles. The latest stable unison will complile on my AMD64.
I will wait a bit and if I cannot find or hear a solution, I will just apt-pin to the old working version so that apt-get update does not keep trying to give me a newer unison on my gui-computers than on my cli-DNS-323. Dec 30, 2011
Last edited by paxmark1 (2011-12-30 19:25:54)