Unfortunately no one can be told what fun_plug is - you have to see it for yourself.
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Here's my setup
I am using unfsd as the NFS server from Fonz's funplud v 0.3
I am using the following exports located in /mnt/HD_a2/fun_plug.d/etc/exports
The dns-323 has been upgraded to firmware 1.03. Has 2x500 GB running using RAID 1.
I'm using mac os X 10.4.10 as the NFS client.
Now the issue:
I can mount the NFS share and retrieve files from the dns-323 but I can not write to the disk.
I get an error code of -50 (unexpected error), I have also had error of the File Names are too long (file name were < 20 chars) and an error saying there is not enough space (there is ~400GB free in the disk). Depending on the options I use with mount.
The error depend on the option I'm using when mounting the NFS share.
I have tried mounting from the cmd line
mount -t nfs /Users/dittrichl/test
I have also tried using Net Info and NFS Manager to automount, with various combinations of options -P, net etc
I have also check group and user permissions as
On the DNS
/mnt/HD_a2/fun_plug.d/etc # id nobody
uid=501(nobody) gid=501(501)
On the mac
uid=501(dittrichl) gid=501(dittrichl) groups=501(dittrichl), 81(appserveradm), 79(appserverusr), 80(admin)
So I don't think that's the issue.
Can anyone help? SMB is just too slow and NFS seems like the correct solution for my needs.
Thanks in advance
This problem seems to be specific to Macs and unfsd. You're not the first one reporting it, and I've seen the same error reports from Mac + NSLU2 users, too (i.e. unrelated to the DNS323 or funplug). I have not seen any real solution so far, but got the impression that 'some' Macs just work. I suggest you also search Mac-Forums and mailing lists, maybe the unfsd people also know about this problem.
Thanks for the quick response.
I've tried from two separate macs; a G5 iMac and a Intel Dual Core macBook both running 10.4.8.
Both have the same issues.
I'll continue trying to get this to work and post any findings.
I can confirm the same experience. I matched the UIDs between the Mac and the DNS but still could never write successfully to the unit.
I finally gave up and went with using Samba v3 out of chroot'd etch install. Works really well. I even "integrated" it with fonz's fun_plug.
I gave up too and went for a etch install.
I installed samba v3 and also appletalk (afpd). Just need to figure out which is faster.
Focher, any chance you can post your fun_plug. I'd like to see how you kill the existing samba daemon.
One last thing is there an easy way to automount the smb or afp share if the DNS is on the network? That was the beauty of using nfs.