Unfortunately no one can be told what fun_plug is - you have to see it for yourself.
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Is it possible to use the FTP function on the the 313 to synchronise folders between boxes ?
During the day, User A writes to Folder A on Box A and User B writes to Folder B on Box B.
Then, overnight, Box A FTPs Folder B into a spare volume and Box B FTPs Folder A into a spare volume.
That way, during the day, each user has full speed network and disk access to their own box, rather than shared access to a 323 but their files are still (mostly) protected from a single drive failure.
Oh, and getting two 313s is currently 30ukp cheaper than one 323 !!
I could use Memo, or whatever, to write to two destinations but then they're having to fight over the boxes network and disk performance.