Unfortunately no one can be told what fun_plug is - you have to see it for yourself.
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i have compiled the new mediatomb version today and as some other people are using it now, too, here's the package for download.
Mediatomb Download
Installation is quite the same as documented in http://dns323.kood.org/forum/t1429-DNS- … Radio.html
Due to a new toolchain some links have to be created in the root fs:
ln -s /lib/libc.so.6 /lib/libc.so.0
ln -s /lib/libsqlite3.so.0 /lib/libsqlite3.so
ln -s <INSTALL PATH>/lib/libexpat.so.0.5.0 /lib/libexpat.so.0
ln -s /lib/libexpat.so.0 /lib/libexpat.so
# to make file magic work
mkdir -p /opt/arm/local/share/file/
cp <INSTALL PATH>/local/share/file/* /opt/arm/local/share/file/
Otherwise than that nothing should need to be changed.
Last edited by naffarin (2008-03-29 12:00:20)
Thank you naffarin, it works great!!!
I have an earlier version of Mediatomb running and am looking to update to this newer version but I'm not sure I understand how.
Would I :
1 - kill the running mediatomb
2 - Extract your .gz maintaining the file structure under fun_plug.d
3 - Run the ln commands you mentioned - It is here I have my first question. Are the commands persistent so will survive restarting or do they need to be run each time the machine starts (via a script or config file)?
4 - do the magic file bit - Next question, what does the magic file bit actually do? I'm not sure I had this to use version 0.10.
5 - restart mediatomb
TIA for any help.
It seems that you are using the fun_plug, so therefore you should use the new fun_plug 0.5 package from fonz. I don't think that the above download package is compatible to the fun_plug directory structure and the fun_plug libraries but i may be in error. Fonz and I use different toolchains and build options for building so i doubt the compatibility of the system libraries.
Oh - I'll check that out.