DSM-G600, DNS-3xx and NSA-220 Hack Forum

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#1 2008-06-22 11:02:46

New member
Registered: 2008-06-03
Posts: 3

IPv6 support in DNS-313

this is what I have found out during my work to set up IPv6 on 313:

1) It was not so easy smile
2) You have just to compile the kernel with IPv6 support turned on... and some tweaking sad :
It took me several hours to notice what was going wrong - ICMPv6 worked, UDP/IPv6 too - but not TCP/IPv6 - ssh or ftp hung and hung - and then using tcpdump showed that packets weren't stopped by any firewall or similar crap - it was wrong TCP checksum on every packet sent from DNS-313.
So, you have to apply the patch I made which stops the driver from unimplemented TCP offload checksumming whilst using IPv6 and then it should work.

To sum up, setting up IPv6 is simple... now - just apply the patch, enable IPv6 support, compile and upload the kernel - and it's ready.

PS. I tried compiling the kernel from openwrtstorlink.sf.net - it seems it's not yet ready to use and does not support SATA Storlink driver (only IDE Storlink) - in other words it can be compiled without the necessary drivers smile

PPS. If you have not read previous posts about kernel compilation:

0. You need libncurses development headers and root access for source.me
1. Get D-Link GPL sources: http://tsd.dlink.com.tw/temp/download/2 … 80128).tgz
2. Unpack it and unpack included dns313_src.tgz
3. copy the content of opt directory to /opt
4. go to Image directory
5. # source source.me
6. # cd src/kernel
7. # make menuconfig - change whatever you want, apparently ext3 support is necessary
8. # make
9. You can find the kernel image at arch/arm/boot/zImage
10. use mkimage tool found in the DNS-313 toolchain (toolchain/bin/mkimage) and cfg/kernel.cfg:
# toolchain/bin/mkimage -f cfg/kernel.cfg -d src/linux/arch/arm/boot/zImage zImage
11. Upload zImage to /.boot directory of DNS-313, reboot and hold your thumbs smile

Last edited by woodypl (2008-06-22 11:03:57)

Attachment Icon sl351x_hw_checksum.patch, Size: 391 bytes, Downloads: 691



#2 2011-05-06 23:34:16

Registered: 2008-02-06
Posts: 8

Re: IPv6 support in DNS-313

You seem to be (after much searching) the only person successful at getting ipv6 up on the DNS-3x3. Could you do us all a favor and try compiling as a module, I would love to be able to insmod an ipv6.ko!
Sorry to bump a really old thread.

Last edited by OctaneZ (2011-05-06 23:50:21)



#3 2011-12-17 11:00:56

New member
Registered: 2008-06-03
Posts: 3

Re: IPv6 support in DNS-313

please try the attached module. I've not been able to test it though...

Attachment Icon ipv6.ko, Size: 337,802 bytes, Downloads: 518



#4 2011-12-19 16:07:52

New member
Registered: 2011-12-19
Posts: 4

Re: IPv6 support in DNS-313


would the provided ko work on a dns-320 ?

can you give a little 'how to' for noob as me ?
it would be so great.



#5 2011-12-20 21:19:13

Member / Developer
Registered: 2008-07-05
Posts: 709

Re: IPv6 support in DNS-313


would the provided ko work on a dns-320 ?

No chance. A kernel module only can be loaded when the kernel version is identical, and the same compiler is used, and some config settings are also the same. And since the 313 has a Gemini CPU and the 320 has a Kirkwood, I don't think DLink used the same kernel.

Besides, in my experience a ipv6 kernel module can only be loaded when it's supported by the kernel. So the module should already have been created, but omitted in the firmware.



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