Unfortunately no one can be told what fun_plug is - you have to see it for yourself.
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I would like to compile nodesJS for DNS 320, I see nodes need EABI kernel to be compile.
I try to install ffp 0.6 (with EABI support) on my DNS 320 with success.
Now I could like to compile my own software for ffp 0.6 (like php iconv new version etc...).
I'm able to start qemu ffp 0.5 environement (see this : www.inreto.de/dns323/misc/README.ffp-0.5-qemu.txt).
I try to adapt it to ffp 0.6 but I do not have zImage with EABI and NFS module to start the environment.
If someone can help me it will be very nice
Yes of course I could but it is very long and I try to have a development environment with me (in a USB key).
No Idea ?
Ok I try to compile :
- libiconv with success
- libxml2 with success
- php (I'm still waiting it compile...).
Ok I can build directly on dns but it's long...
emulation : I found a zImage compatible with qemu eabi and nfs, now I try to use firmware image of dns 320 to use these binaries...