DSM-G600, DNS-3xx and NSA-220 Hack Forum

Unfortunately no one can be told what fun_plug is - you have to see it for yourself.

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#1 2012-03-31 03:04:07

New member
Registered: 2012-03-31
Posts: 1

Backup to USB Device - DNS-325

I installed fun_plug and want to use rsync to backup my data to my external USB device.
The commands for rsync will work, but I still have problems to configure a cronjob. I use a SSH session and the command "crontab -e" to call the crontab editor. The problem is, the editor is definetly not vi or vim and I didn't find a way to change it. In my actual default editor, I can't save my modifications in the crontab.
The further plan is, that this cron job shall call a textfile once a week, which is located on a hdd in my NAS (to add and remove folders more flexible).
Can you help me with my cronjob/crontab problem? (maybe there is a better or easier way..?

Best regards



#2 2012-03-31 17:21:39

New member
Registered: 2012-03-31
Posts: 4

Re: Backup to USB Device - DNS-325

When I edit crontab with crontab -e, it uses vi. I have it at /ffp/bin/vi

Aside from that, you have another issue with crontab. If you do (any) config modifications to you DNS-325 via the web interface, your crontab gets overwritten.
I searched around the NAS and there was XML file which had a section for crontab definitions. I haven't tried inserting new entries to that XML. I would think if I set my own etries there, they will be in the crontab file even after I access the web interface. But on the other hand, if I mess up the XML, will the NAS boot?



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