Unfortunately no one can be told what fun_plug is - you have to see it for yourself.
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Hi All,
I need some help around how to install and start the lighttpd web server on my device (DNS-325 firmware 1.02) - Sorry I am new to Linux stuff so I can easily understand in simple steps. This is what I have did so far...I have already installed fun_plug 0.7 from here ~h**p/nas-tweaks.net/371/hdd-installation-of-the-fun_plug-0-7-on-nas-devices/~
1. I installed and ssh to the device already
2. I have tried all tips given on the site but it doesn't work
If someone can explain what should I do since the beginning, I will really appreciate, I need to run the web server, I can even remove and re-install it.
My problem is I don't know how to configure and what to configure, where is lighttpd.conf file, what to do with it and how to open port and where to put the index.html files?? How can I start it??? My problem is I am familiar with windows that is why I am not sure what I am doing wrong.
Please help or direct me what should I look after fresh installation of fun_plug 0.7..
I haven't done this but I believe you will need to change the file paths in the lighttpd.conf. You can use the "grep" command and scan the document and replace the paths with the correct data. For example, the old DNS323 used the path "/mnt/HD_a2/......", the DNS325 needs to use "mnt/HD/HD_a2/......". I believe if you look at the lighttpd.conf file you will see the paths are setup for the DNS323 not the DNS325.
I could be wrong but this may be your problem.
also see
I'm not an expert either.
thanks..it worked after changing Config file.