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hardware:serial 2012/08/18 16:51 hardware:serial 2017/09/06 18:38 current
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  * RX is the ingoing signal TO the CPU.   * RX is the ingoing signal TO the CPU.
  * Baud rate is 115200 baud - 8 bits, no parity and no flow control   * Baud rate is 115200 baud - 8 bits, no parity and no flow control
==== Pinout on the NAS ==== ==== Pinout on the NAS ====
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^Pin 1^Pin 2^Pin 3^Pin 4^ ^Pin 1^Pin 2^Pin 3^Pin 4^
 +| |Tx of the Soc|Rx of the Soc| |\\
  * [[http://picasaweb.google.com/100894775614123215686/DNS323#5596044900892645362|DNS323 Rev B Board w/Pin 1 Marked]]   * [[http://picasaweb.google.com/100894775614123215686/DNS323#5596044900892645362|DNS323 Rev B Board w/Pin 1 Marked]]
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If you do not have a serial port on your computer, FTDI sell a convenient USB cable that contains a serial chip and level converter in one, and has bare wires at the other end. The cable has drivers for all major operating systems, I am running it under linux with no problems. The datasheet is [[http://www.ftdichip.com/Documents/DataSheets/Modules/DS_TTL232R3V3.pdf|here]]. This is what i used: If you do not have a serial port on your computer, FTDI sell a convenient USB cable that contains a serial chip and level converter in one, and has bare wires at the other end. The cable has drivers for all major operating systems, I am running it under linux with no problems. The datasheet is [[http://www.ftdichip.com/Documents/DataSheets/Modules/DS_TTL232R3V3.pdf|here]]. This is what i used:
-  * DigiKey 768-1016-ND USB cable and logic converter (TTL232R3V3) +  * [[http://www.digikey.ca/product-detail/en/TTL-232R-3V3/768-1015-ND/1836393|DigiKey 768-1015-ND USB cable and logic converter (TTL232R3V3)]] 
-  * Digikey WM1722-ND female housing (Molex 51021-0400) and WM1775-ND pins (Molex 50058-8000)+  * [[http://www.digikey.ca/product-search/en?vendor=0&keywords=WM1722-ND|Digikey WM1722-ND female housing (Molex 51021-0400)]] and [[http://www.digikey.ca/product-detail/en/0500588000/WM1775CT-ND/242897|WM1775-ND pins (Molex 50058-8000)]]
Instead of buying the Molex Housing and Pins separate, you can __purchase a pre-assembled Molex Housing/Pins__ and save yourself the trouble of soldering/fitting the pins. [[https://picasaweb.google.com/100894775614123215686/DNS323#5596065303294291378|Example]] - [[http://cgi.ebay.ca/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=220743624686|Buy From eBay]] Instead of buying the Molex Housing and Pins separate, you can __purchase a pre-assembled Molex Housing/Pins__ and save yourself the trouble of soldering/fitting the pins. [[https://picasaweb.google.com/100894775614123215686/DNS323#5596065303294291378|Example]] - [[http://cgi.ebay.ca/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=220743624686|Buy From eBay]]
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