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1st little steps

This is a step-by-step guide on what can you do with your DNS-323 box, if you try fun_plug tweaking.

This guide suppose you use Unix/Linux desktop (altough, with very small effort it is usable for windows users as well, if using putty ssh/telnet application) with IP address

It is assumed that your NAS device is plugged into home network, having DHCP server turned on.
It is assumed that your NAS device has gotten the IP address from DHCP server (later this address will be changed to, or whatever by your choice).

Step 0. Clean from previous fun_plug

  • Attach shared root folder, and delete files ffp.log, fun_plug and folder ffp.
  • Alternatively you can telnet or ssh to nas, if you can.
        # cd /mnt/HD_a2
        # rm -r ffp
        # rm ffp.log
        # rm fun_plug
        # reboot 

Step 1. HW reset

  • Turn the device on and wait for leds constantly glowing. Then push thin wire to reset hole, hold for at least 10s, and release the wire.
  • Wait for leds constantly glowing again.
  • Check what IP address is assigned to DNS-323 (read it from your dhcp server, or try ping through DHCP range).
  • Put the DHCP assigned IP address into browser (assumed

Step 2. The very first init

  • Login (user:'admin', pwd:'')
  • Menu Setup/Wizard/, [Run Wizard]
    • [Next]
    • Enter admin password: 'adminpwd', [Next]
    • Enter timezone +1, [Next]
    • Switch to Static IP and fill with '' address, [Next]
    • Name 'joesnas', [Next]
    • [Completed]
  • Wait 1-2 minutes, until browser reloads with new IP address to login window.

Step 3. Prepare Ftp server for FunPlug

  • Login to browser page, user:'admin', password:'adminpwd'
  • Menu Advanced/UserGroups:
    User Name: 'joe'
    password: 'joepwd'
  • Menu Advanced/FTP Server:
    User: 'joe'
    Folder: 'Root' checked
    Permission: 'R/W Read/Write'
  • Client language: (choose what best fits to your country; in doubts use Unicode),
  • [Start FTP Server]

Step 4. Install FunPlug with Telnet enabled

See details at (chapter Transfer using FTP)

  • In your linux desktop, make folder fp and cd to fp
     $ mkdir fp; cd fp
  • In fp folder, use FTP and put files into root folder
    $ ftp
      Name ( joe
      331 User joe OK. Password required
      Password: joepwd
        ftp> cd Volume_1
        ftp> bin
        ftp> mput fun*
          mput fun_plug? y
         mput fun_plug.tgz? y
        ftp> chmod 777 fun_plug
        ftp> bye
  • Login to browser page, user:'admin', password:'adminpwd'
  • Menu Tools/System, button [Restart]
  • Wait about 1-2 minutes after leds are constantly glowing again (time taken by fun_plug first installing)

Step 5. Enable SSH, disable Telnet

See details at

  • Telnet to
  • Prepare root login
      / # pwconv
      / # passwd (enter 'adminpwd' as mentioned before)
      / # usermod -s /ffp/bin/sh root
      / #
  • Activate ssh
      / # chmod a+x /ffp/start/
      / # sh /ffp/start/ start
  • Use ssh to connect from your machine (Linux assumed, but putty is possible also for Windows)
      $ ssh -l root
        root@'s password: 'adminpwd'
  • Deactivate telnet
        root@joes_nas:~# chmod -x /ffp/start/
        root@joes_nas:~# reboot
  • Wait about 1-2min after leds are constantly glowing (this is the delay after which sshd will start)

Step 6. Install repository for local use

See at See at

  $ ssh -l root
    # cd /mnt/HD_a2/ffp/
    # mkdir pkg ; cd pkg ; rsync -av --delete .
    # rsync -av --delete .
    # rsync -av --delete .

Step 7. Install MidnightCommander

# cd /mnt/HD_a2/ffp/pkg/additional/app-misc ; funpkg -i mc-4.1.40-pre9-1.tgz

Step 8. Install NTP Time synchronisation

See at (chapter NTP Network Time Protocol)

    # cd /ffp/etc
    # cp examples/ntp.conf .
    # chmod a+x /ffp/start/
    # sh /ffp/start/ start
    # ntpq -p

Step 9. Install Lighttpd web server

See at (chapter Easy Ways )
See at (chapter Lighttpd Web Server)

  • Prepare www store
        # cd /mnt/HD_a2
        # mkdir -p www/logs www/pages
        # echo "<html> <head><title></title></head>" > /mnt/HD_a2/www/pages/index.html
        # echo "<body> Lighttpd is OK and running </body> </html>" >> /mnt/HD_a2/www/pages/index.html
  • Prepare server
        # cd /ffp/etc
        # cp examples/lighttpd.conf /ffp/etc/lighttpd.conf 
        # chmod a+x /ffp/start/
        # sh /ffp/start/ start

Step 10. Add PHP packages into to Lighttpd

See at

  • Install PHP
        # cd /mnt/HD_a2/ffp/pkg
        # wget
        # funpkg -i php-5.2.6-mysql51-1.tgz
  • Prepare webserver for PHP
        # cp /ffp/etc/examples/lighttpd.conf-with-php /ffp/etc/lighttpd.conf
        # cp /ffp/etc/examples/php.ini-dist /ffp/etc/php.ini
        # echo "<? phpinfo(); ?>" > /mnt/HD_a2/www/pages/a.php
        # /ffp/start/ restart

Step 11. Add MySql packages into to Lighttpd

See at

  • Install MySql
        # cd /mnt/HD_a2/ffp/pkg
        # wget
        # funpkg -i mysql-5.1.28-rc-1.tgz
  • Prepare PHP for MySql
        # echo >> /ffp/etc/php.ini
        # echo >> /ffp/etc/php.ini
        # echo >> /ffp/etc/php.ini
        # vi /ffp/etc/php.ini

    comment extension dir line

        ;extension_dir = "./"

    and below that, add extension dir with path /ffp/lib/php/extensions/no-debug-non-zts-20060613/

        extension_dir = "/ffp/lib/php/extensions/no-debug-non-zts-20060613/"
  • Prepare MySQL. Be careful, initial password setting is possible only at the first time
        # cp /ffp/etc/examples/my.cnf /ffp/etc/.
        # sh /ffp/start/ start
        # /ffp/bin/mysqladmin -u root password 'toor'
        # /ffp/bin/mysqladmin -u root -h joesnas password 'toor'
        # mysql_install_db
  • Test mysql local connection
        # /ffp/bin/mysql -uroot -ptoor
          mysql> show databases;
          mysql> use mysql;
          mysql> show tables;
          mysql> select host, user, password from user;

Step 12. Allow remote connection to MySql


  • Allow user 'root' to connect remotely, for instance to administrate MySQL with graphical tools (SQLYog mysqladmin)
        # /ffp/bin/mysql -uroot -ptoor
          mysql> GRANT ALL ON *.* TO root@''IDENTIFIED BY 'toor' ;
          mysql> FLUSH PRIVILEGES;
  • Add new user with strictly defined rights
        # /ffp/bin/mysql -uroot -ptoor
          mysql> INSERT INTO mysql.user 
    ( HOST, USER, PASSWORD, select_priv, insert_priv, update_priv, delete_priv,  create_priv, drop_priv, reload_priv, shutdown_priv, process_priv,  file_priv, grant_priv, references_priv, index_priv, alter_priv, show_db_priv, super_priv, create_tmp_table_priv, lock_tables_priv, execute_priv, repl_slave_priv, repl_client_priv, create_view_priv, show_view_priv, create_routine_priv, alter_routine_priv, create_user_priv, event_priv, trigger_priv )
    ( '%', 'john', PASSWORD('johnpwd'), 'Y', 'Y', 'Y', 'Y', 'Y', 'Y', 'Y', 'Y', 'Y', 'Y', 'Y', 'Y', 'Y', 'Y', 'Y', 'Y', 'Y', 'Y', 'Y', 'Y', 'Y', 'Y', 'Y', 'Y', 'Y', 'Y', 'Y', 'Y' );

    Command allows user 'John' to login with password 'johnpwd' from any IP ('%'), and do defined activities (e.g. all, in this case). This command is just an example, DO NOT USE IT IN PRODUCTION ENVIRONMENT - IT IS TOO VULNERABLE !!! First, let 'Y' only with parameters you really need. Or better, forget about it, and connect DB with SqlYog software, where is better command understanding in its GUI.


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