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Cross Compile Environment for DNS-323
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What is this? This document shows how to build the D-LINK DNS-323 GPL toolchain, kernel and u-boot loader
Things you will need first
- Development System x86 based Debian based “Ubuntu Dapper”
- You will need the following tools: bison flex gcc-3.4 byacc g++-3.4 gettext patch
- Check your active compiler version with gcc -v
- If your compiler is newer then gcc-3.4 then change the /usr/bin/gcc symlink to point to /usr/bin/gcc-3.4 for building the toolchain - restore it when you are done
- If g++ is newer than version 3.4 also change the /usr/bin/g++ symlink accordingly.
- Make sure libncurses5-dev is installed or you'll get termcap not found error
- Create a directory to build your source in
mkdir GPL
- Create a directory to download the sources into
mkdir GPL/zips
- Change into the GPL directory
cd GPL
- Download and extract my build_dns323.tgz the GPL directory
tar xzf build_dns323.tgz
- Download the GPL sources:
- Build the ARM UCLIBC toolchain
Fix the bug in the script build_uclibc: on line 24, replace .tar.gz with .tgz (obviously the extension of the tarballs changed)
The path to the gcc sources has changed, so we need to fix it:
tar xzf zips/uclibc-toolchain-src-20040609.tgz
edit the file: uclibc-toolchain-src-20040609/gcc-3.3.x/make/ Change the so that the path defined on line 23 reads: GCC_SITE:=$(GCC_VERSION)
And now you must fix your symlinks. cd to $GPL/uclibc-toolchain-src-20040609/gcc-3.3.x/toolchain_arm/arm-linux-uclibc/lib and fix all broken links:
for lib in crypt dl m nsl pthread resolv rt thread_db util; do ln -sf lib${lib}-* lib${lib}.so; done ln -sf
Note For each build script below - extract the corresponding file from the zips directory. Example:
tar xzf zips/linux-
This creates a directory called linux- that build_kernel knows about.
- Build the ARM kernel
fix bug in script build_kernel: on line 5, replace linux-2.6.6 by linux-
- Build the u-boot loader
- Build busybox
The script needs a change; add line export CC=arm-linux-gcc, then execute.
- Build at
The ./build_uclibc script creates a script called setpath that can be used to compile other ARM uclibc programs later on.
Many of the remaining D-LINK sources have not been configured for being cross-compiled. In fact, the “Readme.txt” file they supply with the GPL sources has instruction that are just plain wrong.