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howto:open_ports_ftpd 2008/06/18 15:38 howto:open_ports_ftpd 2017/09/06 18:38 current
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More information about the FTP deamon can me found in the [[http://www.wu-ftpd.org/man|manpages]]. More information about the FTP deamon can me found in the [[http://www.wu-ftpd.org/man|manpages]].
-===== FTP Active vs Passive connections in 30 seconds =====+ 
 +===== FTP Active vs Passive connections in 30 seconds? =====
The ftp protocol uses several connections during a ftp-session. The first connection is a control channel typically served on port 21. The ftp protocol uses several connections during a ftp-session. The first connection is a control channel typically served on port 21.
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If you screwed the file, then you can always fallback to the default file by deleting the /mnt/HD_a2/.systemfile/.ftpaccess file. If you screwed the file, then you can always fallback to the default file by deleting the /mnt/HD_a2/.systemfile/.ftpaccess file.
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-S ,21 says which port it should bind to. 21 is default. Remember to use the comma in front of the port number. -S ,21 says which port it should bind to. 21 is default. Remember to use the comma in front of the port number.
</code> </code>
 +You might want to add an extra parameter -A to chroot() everyone (except root), otherwise user access won't be restricted to their home directory.
To get more parameters, issue the command <code>pure-ftpd --help</code> or see the man pages for pure-ftpd on the net. To get more parameters, issue the command <code>pure-ftpd --help</code> or see the man pages for pure-ftpd on the net.
-Now you are ready to restart your DNS-323. Make sure ftp in the admin interface is not running before you reboot. DO NOT start and stop the ftp server from the interface from now on. It will make your changes stop working until you reboot.+Now you are ready to restart your DNS-323. Make sure ftp in the admin interface is not running before you reboot. The new command you put at the end of the fun_plug file is the command which will start pure-ftpd (the ftp server) at boot time.  Note that it will still show as stopped in the administrative interface. 
 +DO NOT start and stop the ftp server from the interface from now on. Doing so will make pure-ftpd start with its defaults, thus make your changes stop working until you reboot.
I think you should be able to use the admin interface to add users, but it seems to start/restart the pure-ftpd daemon, and then you'll have to stop the server from the admin interface and reboot the DNS-323 I think you should be able to use the admin interface to add users, but it seems to start/restart the pure-ftpd daemon, and then you'll have to stop the server from the admin interface and reboot the DNS-323


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