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howto:optware 2010/03/21 23:24 howto:optware 2017/09/06 18:38 current
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-Taken from [[http://forum.dsmg600.info/t1797-%5Bannounce%5D-optware-dns323-build-1000%2B-ipk%27s.html|[announce] optware/dns323 to build 1000+ ipk's by bzhou]].\\ \\+Taken from [[http://dns323.kood.org/forum/t1797-%5Bannounce%5D-optware-dns323-build-1000%2B-ipk%27s.html|[announce] optware/dns323 to build 1000+ ipk's by bzhou]].\\ \\
This guide installs ipkg, a method to install packages built to run on the dns-323. There are quite a few now, check them out [[http://ipkg.nslu2-linux.org/feeds/optware/dns323/cross/unstable/|here]]\\ This guide installs ipkg, a method to install packages built to run on the dns-323. There are quite a few now, check them out [[http://ipkg.nslu2-linux.org/feeds/optware/dns323/cross/unstable/|here]]\\
First you will need to enable telnet access to your DNS323:\\ First you will need to enable telnet access to your DNS323:\\
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The drive mount will not survive a reboot and a symbolic link will not work correctly.  Options to fix this are The drive mount will not survive a reboot and a symbolic link will not work correctly.  Options to fix this are
-  * Option 1 (preferred for fonz fun_plug 0.4 users): See the [[http://forum.dsmg600.info/t2170-funpkg-Optware-support-fonz-fun_plug.html|Optware startup script thread]].+  * Option 1 (preferred for fonz fun_plug 0.4 users): See the [[http://dns323.kood.org/forum/t2170-funpkg-Optware-support-fonz-fun_plug.html|Optware startup script thread]].
  * Option 2 (always works): add these 2 lines to the end of the fun_plug executable script:   * Option 2 (always works): add these 2 lines to the end of the fun_plug executable script:
''<nowiki>mkdir -p /opt</nowiki>\\ ''<nowiki>mkdir -p /opt</nowiki>\\


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