This is an old revision of the document!

Taken from [announce] optware/dns323 to build 1000+ ipk's by bzhou.

This guide installs ipkg, a method to install packages built to run on the dns-323. There are quite a few now, check them out here
You will need telnet access to run the following commands:

cd /mnt/HD_a2/
mkdir ipkg
cd ipkg
tar -xzf ipkg-opt_0.99.163-9_arm.ipk
tar -xzf data.tar.gz
mkdir /opt
mount --bind /mnt/HD_a2/ipkg/opt /opt
export PATH=/opt/bin:/opt/sbin:$PATH

You now have ipkg installed and in the path so that you can install other packages. To add the above link as a source, type the following:

echo src dns323 >> /opt/etc/ipkg.conf

Then launch “ipkg update”

For a complete list of available packages type: “ipkg list”
The first string displayed is an alias that can be used to install packages ie. “ipkg install wget” , this will install wget_1.11-1_arm.ipk and all the required dependencies.

See for more information or the forum link above.

The drive mount will not survive a reboot and a symbolic link will not work correctly. To make the drive mount permanent, add these 2 lines to the end of the fun_plug executable script:

mkdir /opt
mount --bind /mnt/HD_a2/ipkg/opt /opt

To make the PATH variable permanent, edit the PATH in your /ffp/etc/profile script.


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