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howto:reflash_from_windows 2015/01/22 08:00 howto:reflash_from_windows 2018/05/17 14:30 current
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You will need to get one of the serial adapters from the hardware guide [[hardware:serial|Serial Adapters]]. I used the USB cable out of the available options, but any will work. You will need to get one of the serial adapters from the hardware guide [[hardware:serial|Serial Adapters]]. I used the USB cable out of the available options, but any will work.
-==== Cygwin ====+==== Firmware ==== 
 +The next step will be to either use a pre-split firmware (provided below) or use splitdns323fw to split your own into a Kernel and Ramdisk image. 
 +=== Pre-Split === 
 +== D-Link Firmware 1.10 (http://www.djtazie.com/) == 
 +  * [[http://www.djtazie.com/dns323/uKernel|Download uKernel]] 
 +  * [[http://www.djtazie.com/dns323/uRamdisk|Download uRamdisk]] 
 +=== Split your own === 
 +== Cygwin ==
Install Cygwin with the **Ruby interpreter** and any dependent packages. The remaining setup settings can remain as their defaults. Install Cygwin with the **Ruby interpreter** and any dependent packages. The remaining setup settings can remain as their defaults.
-==== splitdns323fw  ====+== splitdns323fw  ==
Here is where we'll split either a custom firmware or factory firmware in Cygwin. Here is where we'll split either a custom firmware or factory firmware in Cygwin.
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  - Once the splitdns323fw utility is finished you should have **two new files** in your home directory: **uKernel and uRamdisk**   - Once the splitdns323fw utility is finished you should have **two new files** in your home directory: **uKernel and uRamdisk**
-**As a bit of help , i have put the 2 files for firmware 1.10 on here : http://www.djtazie.com/dns323/ and the above can be skipped if you want to use firmware 1.10**+
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    * Flow control: none     * Flow control: none
    * Transmit delay: 0 msec/char 0 msec/line     * Transmit delay: 0 msec/char 0 msec/line
-  - Power on your DNS-323 and immediately (about 2 seconds) press **SPACE bar** ((I stationed my DNS-323 so I could have one hand on the power button and the other hand on the keyboard so when I turned the DNS-323 on I could **immediately** hit the keys. ****It requires quick timing**.** Don't be afraid to **unplug the DNS-323 and try again**, so long as you keep your serial adapter connected to your computer and leave Tera Term open you can repeat this until you get it. If you **unplug your serial adapter** or close Tera Term you'll need to start back at step 4.)).+  - Power on your DNS-323 and immediately (about 2 seconds) press **SPACE bar than 1** ((I stationed my DNS-323 so I could have one hand on the power button and the other hand on the keyboard so when I turned the DNS-323 on I could **immediately** hit the keys. ****It requires quick timing**.** Don't be afraid to **unplug the DNS-323 and try again**, so long as you keep your serial adapter connected to your computer and leave Tera Term open you can repeat this until you get it. If you **unplug your serial adapter** or close Tera Term you'll need to start back at step 4.  I had to use Spacebar + 1 key to get it to stop, I could hit he space bar and any other keys all day and it didn't break the autoboot. Spacebar + 1 worked form me on the first try.)).
If the serial cable is correctly wired, uboot will tell you to press a key to stop boot sequence If the serial cable is correctly wired, uboot will tell you to press a key to stop boot sequence
  - You should be prompted with a **Marvel>>** command line at this point.   - You should be prompted with a **Marvel>>** command line at this point.


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