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howto:vsftpd 2012/05/25 00:15 howto:vsftpd 2017/09/06 18:38 current
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-====== How to vsftpd ====== 
-First step is of course install fun-plug. +====== How to Set Up VSFTPD ====== 
-You can find the wiki [[http://wiki.dns323.info/howto:fun_plug]] and that should get you going.  + 
-or you can use these instructions [[http://www.iterasi.net/openviewer.aspx?sqrlitid=1hqeasef7eavz8rdkus60a]] which were the original ones I used.+The first step is to install fun_plug. You can find the wiki [[http://dns323.kood.org/]] and that should get you going.  
 +Or you can use these instructions [[http://www.iterasi.net/openviewer.aspx?sqrlitid=1hqeasef7eavz8rdkus60a]] which were the original ones I used.


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