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hi guys,
just curious if this can be achieved.
wanted to copy the contents of a RAID1 array from the 323 to a network share for backup's (eg, shared portable USB device located on the network via XP/2003 server)
i know this will do copy from one dir to another from the 323
cp -pr /mnt/USB/dir/<from directory> /mnt/HD_a1/dir/<to directory>
but can the same type of command be used to transfer to an external source
maybe like
cp -pr /mnt/USB/dir/<from directory> \\\backup_share username:xxx password:xxx
i would do the USB wiki tutorial, but im to iffy on the linux commands the wiki has posted
My DNS323 has firmware 1.04 installed, and has the smbclient program available.
Telnet in to the DNS323 and type
smbclient --help
smbclient can be used a little bit like an ftp program, so
smbclient --user <windowsLogin> '\\<windowsServer>\<shareName>'
will prompt you for a password, and then let you explore the share and copy files in both directions.
I'm sure you can also supply the copy actions on the command line, but I don't know how - let us know what you discover!
See http://us3.samba.org/samba/docs/man/man … more help for more help with smbclient.
Another option, maybe there is also a way to mount a windows share as a folder in the DNS323 filesystem?
sjmac wrote:
See http://us3.samba.org/samba/docs/man/man … more help for more help with smbclient.
Another option, maybe there is also a way to mount a windows share as a folder in the DNS323 filesystem?
i would think that is an ideal scenario ... mounting a network share on the 323.. but i have a feeling that is doubtflul.
the big issues i will have is when transferring the files from the 323 to a temporary location prior to the HD upgrades.. long file names & like 30 tier folder structure .. would the smbclient be able to handle that?
fickle wrote:
i would do the USB wiki tutorial, but im to iffy on the linux commands the wiki has posted
Which linux commands are you "iffy" on?
fickle wrote:
long file names & like 30 tier folder structure .. would the smbclient be able to handle that?
I'm pretty sure that smbclient would, but remember that 255-260 characters is a pretty common limitation for path lengths in Windows.
just worried i would screw something up as i am not to sure what to look for when trying to do this. i am slowly updating my linux CLI skill's as i am forced to with this device. maybe i will give it a shot first and on the issues i am stuck on, i post it here before moving forward
sjmac wrote:
fickle wrote:
long file names & like 30 tier folder structure .. would the smbclient be able to handle that?
I'm pretty sure that smbclient would, but remember that 255-260 characters is a pretty common limitation for path lengths in Windows.
do you know of a tool that will convert long file names to standard formatted names automatically? or can smbclient / cp / mv do that for me on the fly?
fickle wrote:
do you know of a tool that will convert long file names to standard formatted names automatically? or can smbclient / cp / mv do that for me on the fly?
Sounds like you're a bit more comfortable in Windows - why not do it all from the Windows side?
Temporarilly configure the DNS323 so that everything is readable, then use winzip, or winrar, or some backup program to package up all of the files in to an archive or set of archive files on to an NTFS formatted disk on your network.
After you've done your firmware upgrade you can restore the files as needed, again from Windows.
actually, that sounds like it would make more sense.. i will most likely go that route