DSM-G600, DNS-3xx and NSA-220 Hack Forum

Unfortunately no one can be told what fun_plug is - you have to see it for yourself.

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#1 2008-02-25 23:07:24

New member
Registered: 2008-02-25
Posts: 2

delete user web_GUI


I think I have mess up something. I am not able anymore to delete a user create throw the web_pages. Each time I access it and select an user to delete, the webser crashes. I made some test and I can add new users, change a password, they will be kept even after a reboot. But I'd like to delete some...

I am still on firmware 1.03
I have check the webpages in the web folder in /sys/crfs/web_page, and they seams to be all here.
(I have the same amount of file than the web_pages sources I got from here HTTP://download.conceptronic.net/GNU-GP … age.tar.gz)

I have try to find where the user of the D-link side are stored, but I was not able to get my hands on.

If you have any advice, I will thankful,



#2 2008-02-29 20:14:14

New member
Registered: 2008-02-25
Posts: 2

Re: delete user web_GUI


I found a way to solve the problem, I just remove my fun plug and reboot the NAS, I was able to delete the user. But if I put back the fun_plug, the pb comes back.



#3 2008-03-23 07:04:47

Registered: 2008-03-22
Posts: 34

Re: delete user web_GUI

Are you remapping your drives through Samba? If so, I believe DNS-323 configuration web page refers explicitly to shares as Volume_1, Volume_2, etc... So, if you have those remapped, the web gui won't work properly.

-- Andrey



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