Unfortunately no one can be told what fun_plug is - you have to see it for yourself.
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So I'm trying to find out what it actually runs 'behind the scenes'.
Looks like everything runs from this 'goform' directory, such as:
<form method="POST" action="/goform/remove_user" name="form2">
According to the documentation, 'goform' is actually functions compiled directly into the source and not run externally. You define them with the 'websFormDefine" function.
Well, I can't find them. The source for umui.c contains a few... but not the ones that the dlink seems to use:
umui.c: websFormDefine(T("AddUser"), formAddUser);
umui.c: websFormDefine(T("DeleteUser"), formDeleteUser);
umui.c: websFormDefine(T("DisplayUser"), formDisplayUser);
umui.c: websFormDefine(T("AddGroup"), formAddGroup);
umui.c: websFormDefine(T("DeleteGroup"), formDeleteGroup);
umui.c: websFormDefine(T("AddAccessLimit"), formAddAccessLimit);
umui.c: websFormDefine(T("DeleteAccessLimit"), formDeleteAccessLimit);
umui.c: websFormDefine(T("SaveUserManagement"), formSaveUserManagement);
umui.c: websFormDefine(T("LoadUserManagement"), formLoadUserManagement);
Looks like dlink didn't include the source they added for these 'goform' things.
Anyone? Am I off base? I'm not sure if they are even required to add their custom functions into the GPL'ed source they distribute.
This sucks because it means we will have a much harder time modifying the web interface if its actually buried in the 'webs' executable. We may have to rewrite our own interface entirely.
I am not sure that GoAhead is GPL
And yes, D-Link has stripped off pretty much all their own code from GoAhead tarball.
At very first D-Link did have full GoAhead source (with all functions) uploaded to their site for DSM-G600 but this one was still not compilable because of missing upnp headers.
If you do a strings on the webs binary I get the impression that all these functions are compiled into the binary. I.e you will not find any separate files on the DNS.
Here is a sample of commands the webs contains for setting up the disks:
web/tools/format_disk_result_buf.asp format_ide /dev/sdb %s %s 0 %d format_ide /dev/sda %s %s 0 %d format_ide /dev/all %s %s 0 %d /etc/hotplug/sataumount format_ide %s %s %s 1 %d /tmp/format_result_a /tmp/format_result_b /tmp/raidtab2web_HD_a2 normal Stop touch /sys/mtd1/pls_sync touch /sys/mtd1/pls_chmod_%s eve test - buf:%s eve test - buf:%d mount -t minix /dev/mtdblock1 /sys/mtd2 touch /sys/mtd2/pls_sync umount /sys/mtd2
magore said in an earlier post something about symlinks into ram:
http://dns323.kood.org/forum/p698-20070 … .html#p698
Worth checking.... /Apan
There's nothing to check, as said previously all functions is compiled in webs binary, .asp pages are just regular html + java script. If you you like to just change the look, then you can do it, but if you want to add a feature or add some hack then you are out of luck.
Here are one example what you can do with custom asp files:
ASP files do me no good. I want to modify functionality so I can possibly upgrade to Samba 3.x and tie into Active Directory authentication. I can still probably do it, I'd just have to not use the web interface provided by dlink for that then.
So are they not supposed to provide the modified code compiled into goahead?
I think I found my answer.
How can I make private extensions to the Web server without having to share my design or intellectual property with the whole world?
If you want to make private extensions, without having to share them with the GoAhead WebServer community, put your changes in a new file, rather that in an existing code file. (Any changes to the existing code must be submitted to GoAhead.)
This explains the missing LINUX/custom.h when attempting to compile goahead!
So we're on our own here.
Last edited by tobyg (2007-02-09 17:34:06)