Unfortunately no one can be told what fun_plug is - you have to see it for yourself.
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The subversion package for funplug-0.5 (subversion-1.4.6-1.tgz) does not include the libsvnra_dav.so module, which is required to access repositories placed on normal web servers.
SVN reports this:
svn: Unrecognized URL scheme for 'http://xxxx/'
Is this by intention, or was it just mistakenly left out?
Could you by any chance do a recompile that includes the module?
I suppose it might be a bit difficult though. I looked into it, and it seems apache in some form is required to compile this particular module.
(You get a warning quite early during configure that this module can only be built of some apache requirement is fulfilled).
The optware repository has SVN 1.46 with the module included, but I'm not sure if I can use that with ffp-0.5.
There'd be no problem installing the optware svn package and then using it from ffp. Install ipkg as described on the wiki, and then do ipkg install svn to get the package and its dependancies. (See http://dns323.kood.org/howto:optware or http://www.nslu2-linux.org/wiki/Optware/Dns323 )
I don't know if just extracting the missing module and libs in to ffp would work, but it should be easy for you to try as the ipk files are just nested tgz files ... http://ipkg.nslu2-linux.org/feeds/optwa … /unstable/
KyleK wrote:
Could you by any chance do a recompile that includes the module?
I have the new packages already. They're just waiting to be uploaded. Today or tomorrow, I think.
It's uploading and should be available within the next hour or so. You also need to upgrade (in fact, downgrade) neon. The problem was that subversion doesn't accept any other neon version than 0.25.5.
funpkg -u neon-0.25.5-1.tgz subversion-1.4.6-2.tgz
A lot more packages have been updated, mostly fixes for CH3SNAS, so (maybe) you don't necessarily need to grab all new packages.
Thanks a lot fonz, I'll check it out later. I own a CH3SNAS, so we'll see how many I have to update
KyleK wrote:
Thanks a lot fonz, I'll check it out later. I own a CH3SNAS, so we'll see how many I have to update
I recommend to reinstall (be sure to keep a backup of your custom config files, etc.)