Unfortunately no one can be told what fun_plug is - you have to see it for yourself.
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I just noticed this after upgrading to 1.04. When I try to access the following folder on my DNS-323, I get an "Access is Denied" error (see attached screen shot):
\\DNS323\Volume_1\E1505 Backups\INSPIRON-E1505
I'm on Vista SP1 with the 1.04 firmware. I am not using UAC in Vista. This occurs even after right-clicking on the INSPIRON-E1505 folder and choosing "Take Ownership". What could be the problem? I have done no customizing on the DNS-323.
Hi Patrick,
I'm sure someone will describe the cause better, but it appears I have had the same problem, and maybe many others as there are a few posts active at the moment about permissions and access denied.
The only way I could change the access is denied error was to manually change it via fun plug (Chmod -r 777), telnet and putty. I tried for HOURS, via vista, XP, ubuntu 7.1 wil absolutely no luck, especially with no user lockdown on the webpage user interface.
Hopefully someone has an easy way, but realistically the "mods" are quite simple to do.
For me to get temporary access to folders (usually folder within folder got the acess denied), I had to remove ALL users from the webpage interface and allow everyone access to everything via root, not exactly very secure !
Consider fun plug and putty.
Others may be more helpful,
Okay, I downloaded and installed this in \Volume_1\: http://www.inreto.de/dns323/fun-plug/0.4/
Then, rebooted the DNS-323 and logged in to a telnet session via Putty. Now what do I do exactly? The folder I cannot access is here: \Volume_1\E1505 Backups\INSPIRON-E1505
See screen shot for what I see when I first log in via Putty.
First type this (and post the output) at the telnet prompt
# / ls -la /mnt/HD_a2/E1505 Backups
# / ls -al /mnt/HD_a2/E1505 Backups/NSPIRON-E1505
this command 'ls -al" will list the contents of the directories with
the file permission and owner and groups. Most of the time the
"Access Denied" is can be traced to user/groups permissions not
being set as desired.
Attached is the output.
O.K. this shows that the directory
/mnt/HD_a2//E1505 Backups is owned by nobody who is a member of group 501
this directory has read/write/execute permission set for the owner/group/others
see http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File_system_permissions for an explanation of Unix
file system permissions
But... /mnt/HD_a2/E1505 Backups/INSPRON-E1505 is owned by admin who is a
member of group 500 and this directory has read/write/execute permissions set
only for the owner admin.
My guess is you are not connecting to the DNS-323 as user admin and that is why
you are getting the permission denied response.
The next piece of information we need to determine the correct action to take is...
What is the user you are connecting (via windows explorer) to the DNS-323.
Can you create a test file in the directory \Volume_1\E1505 Backups using explorer?
If you can, make a file test_file.txt, then from the telnet session type
# / ls -la /mnt/HD_a2/E1505 Backups/test_file.txt
and post the output. That will let us know the user and group we need
to provide permissions to access the INSPRON-E1505 directory.
Last edited by mig (2008-04-29 22:18:23)
Your second image is the same as the first.
I need to see the output of the ls -la on the "test_file.txt" to see
what user created that file.
Sorry - I was refreshing the page, and it actually reposted my original post, but after you had already posted.
The correct image for test_file.txt is now attached. Thanks.
Not to hijack this thread or anything, but I was having a similar problem all the sudden, after a reboot, I could not access the DNS filesystem at all. Tried del/new users/groups through web interface, no luck. So following this thread, I installed fun_plug and telnet'd into the DNS. Checked out permissions, groups, but the question is, what *SHOULD* the HD_a2 permissions be set to? Its owned by root and group is root. So I tried again through windows explorer, and used user root with the admin user password and I was able to get in through explorer.
So, 2 questions.
1: How should the HD_a2 dir permissions be set
2: how did my permissions get changed on the DNS in the firstplace?
BTW: I am migrating from XP to Vista and was actually able to access the files from Vista, then the DNS locked up on my, rebooted, then couldnt get in.
Thanks, my first post
Patrick G,
Thanks for the output, here is one way you can setup your permission
You could choose to allow the user nobody, group 501 access to the INSPIRON-E1505
directory by changing the directory's group and opening up the permissions
First change the group for the INSPIRON-E1505 directory to 501
# / chgrp 501 "/mnt/HD_a2/E1505 Backups/INSPIRON-E1505"
# / ls -la "/mnt/HD_a2/E1505 Backups/INSPIRON-E1505"
drwx------ 4 admin 501 4096 Mar 29 23:04 .
Then open the permission on the INSPIRON-E1505 directory to allow read/write/execute
for the group (which is now 501)
# / chmod g+rwx "/mnt/HD_a2/E1505 Backups/INSPIRON-E1505"
# / ls -la "/mnt/HD_a2/E1505 Backups/INSPIRON-E1505"
drwxrwx--- 4 admin 501 4096 Mar 29 23:04 .
If you would like users who are not the owner (admin) or in the group 501 to see this
directory you could open read/execute permission to 'others' with
# / chmod o+rx "/mnt/HD_a2/E1505 Backup/INSPIRON-E1505"
# / ls -la "/mnt/HD_a2/E1505 Backups/INSPIRON-E1505"
drwxrwxr-x 4 admin 501 4096 Mar 29 23:04 .
-- or --
You could change the owner of the INSPIRON-E1505 to user nobody with
# / chown nobody "/mnt/HD_a2/E1505 Backups/INSPIRON-E1505"
# / ls -la "/mnt/HD_a2/E1505 Backups/INSPIRON-E1505"
drwx------ 4 nobody 500 4096 Mar 29 23:04 .
This would; however, not allow any access by the user admin, group 500.
-- or --
You could just open up all permission without changing any users or groups with
# / chmod ugo+rwx "/mnt/HD_a2/E1505 Backup/INSPIRON-E1505"
# / ls -la "/mnt/HD_a2/E1505 Backups/INSPIRON-E1505"
drwxrwxrwx 4 admin 501 4096 Mar 29 23:04 .
I really depends on what the access control you wish to have with your data.
HitmanNY, I'll be happy to try and explain your permission issue,
please re-post your question into a new thread and we'll take it
from there, thanks
Okay, that worked for INSPIRON-E1505 - thank you! But I'm still getting Access Denied on its subfolders. Any way to grant access to all subfolders in that folder?
Well, I went ahead and ran the following, and it appears to have worked. Let me know if I need to redo anything:
chmod -R ugo+rwx "/mnt/HD_a2/E1505 Backups/INSPIRON-E1505"
Okay, after running chmod -R ugo+rwx "/mnt/HD_a2/E1505 Backups/INSPIRON-E1505" I was able to access all subdirectories. I then ran Windows Vista Backup and it created a new subfolder dated today (2008-04-30). I am getting the Access Denied when trying to access that folder now. It seems I'm unable to access any new folders that Windows Vista Backup creates. I did not have this issue before upgrading to the 1.04 firmware. See attached.
Last edited by Patrick G. (2008-05-01 00:54:53)
O.K., I see two issues with the files/directories that Vista Backup process creates..
First, it connects to the DNS-323 as user admin, group 500
Second, it ONLY gives permissions to the user admin
You should be able to access these file if you connect to the DNS-323 as user admin.
Is this possible?
My guess (only a guess? I haven't worked with Vista) is that the Vista backup process runs as the
vista user 'administrator' which connects as admin. Is it possible to change the user which runs the
Vista backup process? Another possibility is to have the Vista Backup up process give group or
others permissions to access the files it creates? Is this possible?
I think there is a way, through samba options in the /etc/samba/smb.conf file to force all
files (and directories) to be created as a specific user or group or with specific permissions
regardless of which user actually created the files.
Can you post the output of your /etc/samba/smb.conf file.
# / cat /etc/samba/smb.conf
Could you post this output by cut and paste the characters, between
your telnet window and web browser you use to access this forum,
instead of posting an image?
Last edited by mig (2008-05-01 02:18:17)
# cat /etc/samba/smb.conf
[ global ]
interfaces = egiga0
unix charset = UTF8
workgroup = GAMET
netbios name = DNS323
server string = DNS-323
hosts allow =
hosts deny =
security = SHARE
encrypt passwords = yes
max log size = 0
socket options = TCP_NODELAY SO_RCVBUF=65536 SO_SNDBUF=65536
max xmit = 65535
create mask = 0777
directory mask = 0777
force create mode = 0777
force directory mode = 0777
load printers = Yes
printcap name = /usr/local/LPRng/etc/printcap
min print space = 2000
max print jobs = 1000
printing = lprng
print command = /usr/local/LPRng/bin/lpr -P%p -r %s
lpq command = /usr/local/LPRng/bin/lpq -P%p
lprm command = /usr/local/LPRng/bin/lprm -P%p %j
lppause command = /usr/local/LPRng/sbin/lpc hold %p %j
lpresume command = /usr/local/LPRng/sbin/lpc release %p %j
queuepause command = /usr/local/LPRng/sbin/lpc -P%p stop
queueresume command = /usr/local/LPRng/sbin/lpc -P%p start
use sendfile =yes
[ web_page ]
comment = Enter Our Web Page Setting
path = /mnt/web_page
valid users =
read only = yes
guest ok = yes
path = /mnt/HD_a4/.lpd
guest ok = Yes
printable = Yes
use client driver = Yes
browseable = No
[ Volume_1 ]
comment =
path = /mnt/HD_a2
valid users =
read only = no
guest ok = yes
oplocks = yes
map archive = yes
Thanks for the text posting, everything look fine in the smb.conf file. There is even an option
for force directories and files to have all open permissions; however, the Vista Backup process
does not seem to be obeying this option. This is very strange and I don't quite understand how
that can happen?
Unfortunately, I don't have a Vista system to replicate your situation. I tried in XP, but the
administrator XP account connects to my DNS-323 as user nobody, group 501 and creates
file/directories with all open (777) permissions.
There was one other idea I had which could work for you, if you can't modify the behavior of the
Vista Backup process. You could let the Vista Backup continue to create the files as it does now
and create a periodic cron job to 'fix' the permissions for general access.
Maybe this will help http://blogs.technet.com/filecab/archiv … 58871.aspx
also http://www.linux-watch.com/news/NS4434907782.html
One more thing, FWv1.03 used Samba v2.2.8a and FWv1.04 uses Samba v3.0.24
this is why you are seeing changes in your Vista Backup behaviour
Last edited by mig (2008-05-01 09:41:27)
I use Vista Backup (and also Nero BackItUp), and they are both able to write to my backups folder. I have the same firmware, fun_plug version, and Vista SP as you.
One difference between my setup and yours is that my "backups" share on the DNS323 requires a username and password to access it. By insisting on a password you shouldn't get the situation where the files are written with one set of credentials (presumably your backup service has been given username admin and a password at some time), and then you try to browse them with another set of credentials (the guest user?)
Another difference is that I reformatted my drives after I updated the firmware (I used to use RAID 0, but it wasn't useful).
I have a single group called private, and a single user in that group that has the same username and password that I log in to my Vista machine with. (You don't have to use the same password, but it's a little bit easier if you do)
It looks to me as though your Vista Backup is accessing the DNS323 using the guest ("All Accounts" in the web UI) account, but you are trying to browse the backups using a username and password that your Windows machine has stored). Did you give Vista Backup a username to access the DNS323 ever? How else would the files get written as "admin"?
Would that setup work for you? I have used groups just in case I want to give access to other users in the future, but in your case maybe user access is more appropriate.
I've attached a screenclip of my Network Access List from the Admin Web Page, Advanced >> Network Access section.
Hope that helps, or at least gives someone more knowlegable a clue :-)
Last edited by sjmac (2008-05-01 12:06:41)
Well, when I set up Vista Backup, it prompts me for a username and password, so I just entered the admin username/password I use to access the DNS323. I thought about using my Windows login/password, but my Windows login is Firstname Lastname, and apparently the DNS323 cannot handle spaces in the username. I guess I could just change my Windows username and then set up a matching username in the 323? I think I may try that, and if it doesn't work, reformat under the new firmware.
Last edited by Patrick G. (2008-05-01 14:35:10)
Patrick G. wrote:
Well, when I set up Vista Backup, it prompts me for a username and password, so I just entered the admin username/password
I think that is the cause of your problem because you have allowed guest access to the DNS323 too. When backup runs it logs in as admin, but when you then go to look at the files later you are coming in as a guest user, and so you aren't allowed to look at the files.
Try setting up Vista Backup again, and don't supply a username or password, or add the admin name and password to your list of network passwords (Control Panel > User Accounts > [user name] > Manage my network passwords), or create a user account on your DNS and switch off guest access ...
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