DSM-G600, DNS-3xx and NSA-220 Hack Forum

Unfortunately no one can be told what fun_plug is - you have to see it for yourself.

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#1 2008-04-24 22:07:59

Registered: 2006-12-19
Posts: 12

Automatic fsck and other fsck issues

Hi all
I own a DNS-323 with 1.04 at the moment I am also trying the FPP 0.5 which works quite well, thanks Fonz!

The box seems to run correctly, but after doing a dmesg i get a message about an unclean file system.

ext3: No journal on filesystem on sda4
EXT2-fs warning: mounting unchecked fs, running e2fsck is recommended

I don't like this message as I want my DNS-323 to be my backup archive!

1) I have tried to look for documentation around this but failed. In the DSM-600, I remember there where a file check entry in the web gui, but i don't find it in this box.

2) In other unix boxes that I have worked (SUN, HP, AIX..) with the fsck is auomatically done at boot time before the disk is mounted. In the DNS-323 it looks like it is only doing the test and the ignoring the file check. Is this correct?

3) I found an article about cleanboot that I have not used until now, but ist seems to be necessary in order to avoid the problem with the untidy file system, why is it not part of the otherwise so greate fun_pack packages by Fonz? Have I missed some essential information?

4) I also found the fsck instruction at Fonz web site and I also followed the instructions. Everything worked according to the instruction, even the last part where it says it still complains about that the file system ought to be cleaned. After the reboot I got the same messages in dmesg command.

I am very grateful for all the job that many people spend on the DNS-323 so please don't missunderstand me!

Best regards



#2 2008-04-25 19:14:37

Registered: 2008-03-01
Posts: 6

Re: Automatic fsck and other fsck issues

Hi mrjeth,

I've your same problems...

It is related to the way the fun_plug systems (fonz and debian etch/sarge) works.

When you/I reboot or shutdown the DNS it kills all the services he knows are active and tries to unmount the disks' partitions without checking if it succeded or not. Then it brutally reboots/shutdown.

The fun_plug system add some services (e.g. telnet, ...) and it binds some directories on the /dev/HD_a2 partition (e.g. fonz main dir: /dev/HD_a2/ffp).

But the DNS does not know about the above services/mounts. So it fails to complete the kill/umount procedure leaving the partition mounted before shutting down. Ergo it leaves filesystem unclean.

Whe I tried to use the /dev/HD_a4 partition as working disk for fonz funplug and, at shutdown time, I manually closed all the services and files opened on the /dev/HD_a2, the filesystem on /dev/HD_a2 was clean but not the one on /dev/HD_a4 because I was telnetting on the device an so that partition was locked.

There is a work around (http://dns323.kood.org/forum/t1828-clea … 3SNAS.html), but does work for me at the moment
It is over a month I did non check this forum and I had no time to play with the DNS, but if I find a solution I'll post you a reply by e-mail.

Sorry if I wasn't clear, English is not my own language.




#3 2008-05-01 21:49:24

Registered: 2006-12-19
Posts: 12

Re: Automatic fsck and other fsck issues

Thank you for the link!
It gives a good explanation of the problem. What I still don't understand is why the file system is not automatically checked before mounting the disk after a reboot.  It is normally the standard way in most unix that I know of?
If the power is lost the file system will most likely be unclean. What is the proposed procedure in this case?

Best regards



#4 2008-05-12 04:51:51

Registered: 2008-05-11
Posts: 9

Re: Automatic fsck and other fsck issues

how would using usb stick with the fun plug affect drives



#5 2008-05-13 15:52:15

From: USA
Registered: 2008-03-19
Posts: 709

Re: Automatic fsck and other fsck issues

toizz -
     By using the fun_plug on a USB drive, you can telnet into the box and be able to completely unmount the hard drives, since the telnet program and working shell are being run off the USB drive.  This allows a clean shutdown of everything but the USB drive.

mrjeth -
     2 things on why D-Link doesn't have it fully check things on startup (speculation). 

1. Time - Right now it takes about 93-95 seconds to fully boot up.  If it were to run a full check on both drives at startup it could take an hour.  Think about it, if you have 2-1TB drives, it would take forever each and every time it boots.  Unlike most unix systems, this device has very limited processing power and memory.

2. Ignorance - Not on the part of D-Link, but the user.  Honestly, the end user of this product is not supposed to know that it is not properly unmounting the filesystem (or that it is Linux in a lot of cases).  Without hacking the box, there is no way you would even know.  Besides, for most normal (non-hacking) users, this device is almost never turned off and they won't ever realize any issues that come along with it.

DNS-323     F/W: 1.04b84  H/W: A1  ffp: 0.5  Drives: 2X 400 GB Seagate SATA-300
DNS-323     F/W: 1.05b28  H/W: B1  ffp: 0.5  Drives: 2X 1 TB  WD SATA-300
DSM-G600   F/W: 1.02       H/W: B                Drive:  500 GB WD ATA



#6 2008-05-15 22:59:22

Registered: 2006-12-19
Posts: 12

Re: Automatic fsck and other fsck issues


I have tried to file check my disks according to the instructions found at fonz ftp site, without success. According to the instruction you are supposed to see that the disks are still unclean. Yes, this is true and also after reboot!  The dmesg commands still informs me that my disks are unclean. Why should I run a file check if I still have unclean disks.
In my old DSM-G600 there is a file check as part of the build in web GUI!

I have now upgraded to the new 1.05 release and when I use the Easy Search Utility to enable bitTorrent I get a message that I should check my disks! Maybe this is related to something else than the unclean file system.

Best regards

Last edited by mrjeth (2008-05-15 23:00:54)



#7 2008-05-16 00:36:21

From: USA
Registered: 2008-03-19
Posts: 709

Re: Automatic fsck and other fsck issues

mrjeth - Telnet in and post the results of this:


mdadm --examine /dev/sda2
mdadm --examine /dev/sdb2

replace the 2 with a 4, if need be.  What this is going to do is look at the supeblock of your partitions.  The only way I got this BT error was to have a broken RAID array on one of the disks.  It was in #3 in this post: http://dns323.kood.org/forum/t2192-1.05b28-Quirks.html

EDIT - Also, if you have not completely unmounted all partitions on the drive, you can get false reports from e2fsck.

Last edited by bq041 (2008-05-16 00:37:52)

DNS-323     F/W: 1.04b84  H/W: A1  ffp: 0.5  Drives: 2X 400 GB Seagate SATA-300
DNS-323     F/W: 1.05b28  H/W: B1  ffp: 0.5  Drives: 2X 1 TB  WD SATA-300
DSM-G600   F/W: 1.02       H/W: B                Drive:  500 GB WD ATA



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