Unfortunately no one can be told what fun_plug is - you have to see it for yourself.
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Hi all,
I have a DNS323 with two 250gb drives. The DNS323 is currently on firmware v.1.03 and I would like to upgrade to 1.04 as I have been having a few problems accessing the shares using Ubuntu Hardy Heron.
I only use one 250gb drive at a time, basically what I do is use one as the working drive and the other is a backup which I rsync every few weeks.
From what I have read an upgrade from 1.03 to 1.04 requires a reformat of the drive.
I don't have enough harddrive space on my computer to back everything up from the NAS drive.
If I upgrade to 1.04 and reformat Volume_1 can I then copy everything from my 1.03 formatted Volume_2 back? or will have have to find some way to back up everything to a third drive?
upgraded my 323 (1 x 500gb and 1 x 1tb hdds), from 1.03 to 1.04 last week.. no re-format was necessary, nor any data lost.
v8r - upgrading from 1.03 to 1.04 does not require a reformat BUT a reformat is advisable as there were changes to the partition structures of the disks. Depending on locale and configuration, loss of functionality may occur.
Boardman, if you have telnet access to the unit, then you can do what you described manually. I would not trust the web utility without having a good back-up.