Unfortunately no one can be told what fun_plug is - you have to see it for yourself.
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I'm trying to download SVN binaries from http://www.ellogon.org/~petasis/DNS323/ … -1.4.6.tgz all day, but the server seems to be down.
Is there an alternative site I can download from?
Anybody knows what is going on with that server?
Thank you in advance.
Ok. I found it here http://www.inreto.de/dns323/fun-plug/0.5/packages/.
I am using fun_plug 0.4, I hope this will work. Will keep you posted.
Thanks for replay.
Here is my progress so far (someone might find it useful in the future):
1. I installed fun_plug 0.5 (http://www.inreto.de/dns323/fun-plug/0.5/)
2. In order to get subversion I needed to install apr-1.2.12-2.tgz, apr-util-1.2.12-1.tgz and finally subversion-1.4.6-2.tgz. To do this just download packages from http://www.inreto.de/dns323/fun-plug/0.5/packages/, save them on HD_a2 and run
funpkg -i *.tgz
I now can start svnserve manually. What I'm missing now is a svnserve.sh.
Last edited by gnugu (2008-06-09 19:15:11)
I found svnserve.sh in some other post on this forum.
Please take following code and save it as /ffp/start/svnserve.sh on your DNS and set as executable.
#!/ffp/bin/sh # PROVIDES: svnserve . /ffp/etc/ffp.subr REPOSITORY="/mnt/HD_a2/svn/" name="svnserve" command="/ffp/bin/$name" svnserve_flags="-d -r ${REPOSITORY}" #required_dirs=${REPOSITORY} run_rc_command "$1"
Line "REPOSITORY="/mnt/HD_a2/svn/" should have your repo path in it.
Everything seems to work just fine. Thanks to KyleK for the .sh file (http://dns323.kood.org/forum/p13898-200 … tml#p13898).
Last edited by gnugu (2008-06-10 22:46:44)