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mainly I am wondering if anyone has any experience with Amanda or better putting it on the dns 323 that could maybe share something?
I am a bit of a weekend programmer, so, an amateur, but I have been playing with the dns 323 and I am considering trying to set up the Amanda backup system on it.. The main reasons I am looking at using Amanda is that I want to have a backup that is remote (in addition to my main onsite backup to improve backup safety in case of fire, theft, etc) and that the backup data needs to be encrypted (since it is remote and will be well out of my hands).
initially, the way I am looking to work it is symbiotically. I happen to have an old colleague that is in another part of the world, and has the same remote backup need, so we are looking at doing a kind of backup swap. So I will have a remote backup for them, they have one for me. What seems good is that the work involved for them and myself (besides the remote setup and admin) is simply to plug them into each others router and forward traffic to it on whatever port… if either he or I should flake out, then since it is self contained it could be setup just about anywhere.
any thoughts or advice I would appreciate.