Unfortunately no one can be told what fun_plug is - you have to see it for yourself.
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i just received today a DSM-G600 that i bought on ebay
i m trying to install lighthttpd on the beast
i have read the following docs
i have download the file lighthttpd and php on the folowing location
i have enabled the telnet server and when i launch the following comand on the telnet session
/mnt/HD_a2/lighttpd/lighttpd -f /mnt/HD_a2/lighttpd/lighttpd.conf -m /mnt/HD_a2/lighttpd/
i got the following messages
Can't modify /mnt/HD_a2/lighttpd//mod_dirlisting.so's text section. Use GCC option -fPIC for shared objects, please.
does someone knows what it means and how to solve the problem?
thanks in advance
There are multiple lighttpd packages available to download. You can try some other package version but remember that you cant mix .so files from different packages.
thanks for the reply
but i have choosen a different way now
i m looking at the chroot of gentoo or debian to do what i want