Unfortunately no one can be told what fun_plug is - you have to see it for yourself.
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I need to transfer all of the data from my old fileservers to DNS-323. I tried external usb and that was painfully slow. Now I'm trying NFS. I'm currently transferring 140 gb of mp3. So far, it has taken 2.5 hours to transfer 26.2 GB...~3 mb/s. Does that speed seem reasonable? This is all over wire with switches. I usually get ~9 mb/s from fileservers to clients...
This is the server's /etc/exports:
/export/mp3 *(ro,no_root_squash)
/export *(ro,fsid=0)
Does sync/async affect copying to client?
Doesn't sounds correct since when I'm transfering large files (>100mb) to DNS-323 it usually copies around 5-6mb/s and smaller files (<5) usually jumps up to 7-8mb/s.
Last edited by kimhav (2007-03-08 21:39:53)
According to rsync:
sent 138627544028 bytes received 664534 bytes 3014934.78 bytes/sec
total size is 138608134663 speedup is 1.00
That's a little less than 3 mb/s
Well, just copied a 600mb file from the DNS-323 to my laptop via giganet and according to TotalCommander the speed was around 13500-14500Kbytes/s. Compared with some 2.5" USB drives I have here, they usually tops around 16500-17500Kbytes/s.
That's about 50% better than me, but I don't have gigabit
I also noticed when I copied over my mp3 share extended character got mangled:
Motörhead became...see attach
Is that a Samba configuration issue? The original share was EXT3...
Nope, I don't have any problem with mangled files names, but if you read around here there are other that have same issue, but don't know what it worked out for me. I'm using Swedish characters in both folders and files names on dns-323.