Unfortunately no one can be told what fun_plug is - you have to see it for yourself.
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Hi Guys!
I am currently using raid123's Time Machine (http://dns323.kood.org/forum/viewtopic. … 25&p=1) which works great.
Since we back up our mail every day, the database change each day, so we have a lot of space growing.
My goal is to make a script to delete every folder which is older than X days so this is easier.
I found that this might work:
find /path/to/dirs -mtime +2 -type d -depth -exec rmdir -rf {} \
However, this shows me the folders inside the backup (First I am running the command without the -exec rmdir) which are pointing to the older backup, but in the new folder.
20080822_ABC -> It shows this which is correct
20080825_ABC -> Also shows this, which is not correct but it does it because it finds that inside the folder there are other ones, older than 2 days. I assume this is for the hard-linking.
I found that the current version of find allows the flag -maxdepth which might help, but the DNS-323 doesn't have it.
So, does anyone know a workaround? Or maybe how to upgrade the find bin in the 323?
Found it!
Here it's a little script to delete the folders older than X days (Replace the 15 with the amount of days that you want)
I made the script first to make a txt file of the folder just to be sure it searches all the disk before attempting to delete the folders.
Note: Only works for raid123's Time Machine. You might need to edit it to use it in another environment.
Note2: TEST IT before you use it.
find /mnt/HD_b2/ -mtime +15 -type d -name '[0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9][_][0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9]' > toDelete.txt
while read EachLine
echo $EachLine
# Remove the '#' before the next line to actually remove the directory. Now it just showing the folder to check it
# rm -rf $EachLine
done < toDelete.txt
rm -f toDelete.txt
I am about to further test this.
Last edited by blizzard182 (2008-08-25 19:58:41)