Unfortunately no one can be told what fun_plug is - you have to see it for yourself.
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For the past few months I have been running my DNS-323 (hw A1/fw 1.05) with a pair of 80GB Maxtors in a RAID1 configuration with no fun_plug or other enhancements. It appeared to be running fine - no LED failure indications, no emails and the status page showed everything as expected.
Whilst transferring some data I noted that only the left drive LED was showing activity, so on completion of the transfer I pulled the right drive and hooked it up to a PC running Windows XP Pro and the EXT2IFS file system driver - the expected partitions were there, but no data whatsoever, I then pulled the left drive and connected it - same partitions with my data.
It is obviously possible for this device to be in a RAID1 configuration, but not be functioning as a RAID1 device, with no error indications whatsoever.
Interesting, because I have done the same thing and had the data on both drives. My "live" unit is A1/1.04 and it definately has data on both. My "test" unit is B1/1.05 and it also has data on both drives. I did also notice that it seems to only flash 1 drive light when transfering data, but tests on only 1 drive showed it on both. I have not tested this with A1/1.05, as in your scenerio.
You may want to try mdadm to pull up a detail of the array and see what it reports back as the status. I guess it is possible it has had 1 drive listed as a spare, not as an active drive.
For me both LED's light are blinking when reading or writing to it.
I am using 1.05 with fun_plug
nUll wrote:
For me both LED's light are blinking when reading or writing to it.
I am using 1.05 with fun_plug
This is what I had observed in the past.
Have you possibly pulled one of the drives out and plugged it back in without wiping it and doing a re-sync? I've seen you post several times in the past about pulling drives, reusing drives, etc.... Here's one for example: http://forums.dlink.com/index.php?topic=1732.0
No - these drives were installed and formatted as a RAID1 array after one of those "test" sessions. They are not new drives, but one of two pairs that I have on hand.
I already made the comment in some previous thread that the RAID 1 implementation in DNS-323 seemed rather sloppy :-/
Fordem, do you have an idea of what happened?
Have you tried to put the disk back in the box and set it back in RAID1 use?
ismora - to respond to your comment - I'm not a great fan or software based RAID implemntations, and that is what this is - I might have been happier if D-Link had provided a CLI that I could use to manipulate it, and yes, I'm aware that I can do it through fun_plug.
To answer your questions - no - I have no idea what happened, based on the fact that the second disk had neither data nor the folders I had created, I'm assuming the DNS-323 never properly created the array - and - yes - I put both disks back in and reformatted it first as separate disks and then as a RAID1 array, and although I haven't gone to the trouble of pulling the disks and checking them for data, it appears to be working - at least both drive activity LEDs flash when I write to it.
I use software RAID on some Linux boxes, and it does not make me feel so insecure.
What I don't like here is not as that much the software RAID, as the more or less automatic and more or less reliable management layers that D-Link seems to have installed over it (how it finds out a failed disk, the procedure to replace a disk, etc.), generally involving the very limited web interface for user actions.
I would rather use mdadm by hand (which indeed may be possible with an usb bootable system; maybe I will try it if something fails, but I don't feel like doing this as all seems fine...).
And I almost got my head bitten off last time by saying RAID1, along with RAID0, was overrated on the DNS-323.
I would rather use mdadm by hand (which indeed may be possible with an usb bootable system; maybe I will try it if something fails, but I don't feel like doing this as all seems fine...).
Do a search, I have been managing this way for some time. It can be done with standard ffp, it just takes a little bit more time as you can only work on 1 disk at a time.