DSM-G600, DNS-3xx and NSA-220 Hack Forum

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#1 2008-09-24 00:04:49

New member
Registered: 2008-09-23
Posts: 3

DNS-323 keeps rebooting my computer

My new DNS-323 (with a pair of Seagate 500Gsd drives configured for RAID 1) is not playing with my Win XP SP3 machine. It consistently reboots my computer as soon as I try to access the unit. If I use Easy Search and try to map the drive, as soon as I click "connect" it reboots. If I use Windows Explorer and try to manually map the drive, it reboots. In fact, all I have to do is open up My Network Places with the unit displayed, and it reboots. (If I unplug the ethernet cable, and open Network Places, it doesn't reboot.)

I originally had firmware version 1.04 but I just updated it to 1.05 and the new Easy Search 4.2, but the problem persists.

D-Link tech support will have nothing to do with me, because the unit works fine on a Vista machine connected to the same network.

Other things I have tried: Disabled, then deleted a network driver that wasn't being used. Got the latest driver for the remaining network card. That's it, I don't know what else to do and am hoping someone can point me down the correct path.



#2 2008-09-24 00:23:49

From: USA
Registered: 2008-03-19
Posts: 709

Re: DNS-323 keeps rebooting my computer

It is definately a problem with your computer, not the DNS.  The DNS cannot make your computer reboot.  What is probably happening is that XP is having some kind of error while trying to access it and rebooting because it cannot continue with the error.  The first place I'd start to look is at the system and application logs on your XP machine.  The should be logging the event that triggers the reboot.

DNS-323     F/W: 1.04b84  H/W: A1  ffp: 0.5  Drives: 2X 400 GB Seagate SATA-300
DNS-323     F/W: 1.05b28  H/W: B1  ffp: 0.5  Drives: 2X 1 TB  WD SATA-300
DSM-G600   F/W: 1.02       H/W: B                Drive:  500 GB WD ATA



#3 2008-09-24 17:01:47

Registered: 2008-03-02
Posts: 157

Re: DNS-323 keeps rebooting my computer

Try using XP's own network drive mapping feature. You don't need Easy Search for that.



#4 2008-09-24 19:05:41

New member
Registered: 2008-09-23
Posts: 3

Re: DNS-323 keeps rebooting my computer

I am using XP, it doesn't matter. As soon as I access it any way, it goes poof.

bq041 is correct, there is something wrong with my computer, but it only happens when I try to access the share volume on the DNS-323. I have a network printer plugged in and I can access it fine. I can also access the DNS-323 through the web interface, and I can configure it with the Easy utility. I just can't access the volume.

I tried looking in those log files and became overwhelmed. (I think it is telling me that my main boot drive is in danger of imminent melt-down, but I don't think that is related.)

I will try clearing the logs (if possible), then trigger the reboot and see what happens. Or, I will start to build a new computer.

Last edited by Klementz (2008-09-24 19:06:16)



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