Unfortunately no one can be told what fun_plug is - you have to see it for yourself.
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I've heard it's possible to configure DSM-G600 for work with emule embedded to download without computer 24 hours a day.
How can I do this?
What is "emule embedded"? There is amule for linux. You can chroot to debian or gentoo and install it. It has webinterface very similar to emule.
Additionally there is mldonkey which also supports eD2k protocol. For setting up mldonkey you can find info from wiki.
Because I belive I did't explain well my problem i'll explain this better.
I'm a windows user and i haven't got linux and I don't want to instal it.
I would like use a p2p program that supports the temp files from emule(similar to use with a GUI) installed on my dsm g600 that downloads alone without the support of any pC.
I hope I've been clear.
Thanks for your patient support.
se per favore c'è qualcuno in questo forum che parla italiano sarei molto grato se potesse aiutarmi.
Last edited by AndreA (2008-09-22 22:39:08)
mldonkey runs ON dsmg600 and dsmg600 is powered by a Linux os... If you want download files through edonkey and bittorrent network you can install mldonkey on your dsmg600 and then sancho (the multi os java gui) on your compuer (linux, windows, mac or all other os that runs a java virtual machines or a web browser)
to install mldonkey you mustn't have a linux pc but you can install it with a ssh or telnet client(for example putty on windows)
mldonkey si installa sul dsmg600 che ha come sistema operativo linux. Se vuoi scaricare dalla rete edonkey e bittorrent puoi installare mldonkey sul dsmg600 e poi sancho (che e' l'interfaccia grafica java che funziaona su qualunque sistema operativo) sul tuo computer.
per installare mldonkey non serve un pc con linux, ma e' sufficiente che tu abbia un client telnet o ssh sul tuo computer (ed esmpio putty se usi windows)
Im trying to install MLDONKEY, to do this I have to enable TELNET.
I read that to enable TELNET I need to enter some code to my "fun_plug file".
I looked in the wiki but I didn't understand neither what's this "fun_plug" nor how it works.
please help me! Thanks!!!
Ps: In italiano è sempre meglio! Grazie!!!
Ciao, per chiarezza devi scaricare putty e configuralo per collegari al tuo dsmg600, usando il comandi linux touch crei un file chiamato fun_plug gli assegni i diritti con il comando chmod di esecuzione, altrimenti non viene eseguito e copi il codice ke hai letto nei forum in fun_plug e i file busybox e sed anche loro con diritti eseguibili.
fammi sapere se hai problemi
Hi, you need to download putty and configure it for your dsmg600 device, with touch comand make a fun_plug file and with chmod command change right to execute after copy the code from forum into fun_plug and copy file busybox and sed with right execute.
sorry for my english :-D
Last edited by cybhunter (2008-09-24 10:20:09)
He cannot use putty at the moment because he haven't ssh or telnet access!
Try following this way:
1) Download the attached file and copy it on your DSMG600 in to HDD_a
2) download this: http://dns323.kood.org/downloads/busybo … .1.tar.bz2 and unpack it in the same folder of the previous file
3) reboot your dsmg600
Now using putty you should have telnet access