DSM-G600, DNS-3xx and NSA-220 Hack Forum

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#1 2007-03-25 00:15:33

New member
Registered: 2007-03-25
Posts: 2

smart and/or other disk monitoring

Since this thing uses SATA, will it use SMART to tell me if one (or both) of my disks are having any problems?

(Even on higher-end RAID systems, I've heard admins complain that a failing RAID can corrupt the other drive or both drives go at the same time or they don't know one failed until both failed. I'm not even sure I care as much about RAID as I do about a good inexpensive NAS that will tell me if I've got a problem.)

I have no problem installing Debian. But I hear SMART over SATA requires 2.6.15? I'm not even sure how much that is true -- see http://www.linuxjournal.com/article/698 … nt-142307.

If anybody knows of a similar low-cost NAS (SATA or PATA) that supports SMART, please let me know. DNS-323 looks very impressive though. Much nicer than the linksys NSLU2 (USB only) that will never support SMART I'm sure.



#2 2007-03-25 06:24:11

Registered: 2007-01-26
Posts: 1938

Re: smart and/or other disk monitoring

No - the DNS-323 does not use SMART, and the disk failure sensing appears to be non existent.

I have installed disks that report SMART failure at boot in a desktop running Windows and the unit formats them without the slightest hiccup, I have installed disks with defective sectors and again, the unit formats them with no indication that there has been an error of any sort - although - if you are familiar with it, you might just notice that the format took longer than you expected it to, or, if you are running mirrored disks, it gives you a crazy estimate for the time remaining to resync, like 9300 hours remaining.

I have also powered it down and pulled a drive, unceremoniously ejected a drive without powering it down, and ejected a drive whilst writing to it - the unit neither emails me to tell me that a drive has failed, nor turns the drive LED amber as it should - mind you - if you're not running mirrored drives, the daily status email will let you know that the drive is missing - the usage details will also be missing from the report.

This is my single disappointment with this unit.



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