DSM-G600, DNS-3xx and NSA-220 Hack Forum

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#1 2008-10-27 05:22:36

New member
Registered: 2008-10-27
Posts: 3


Installed SVN on the DNS-323 and made a repository, and accessing the repository from the local network using TortoiseSVN with svn://... from a Windows PC works fine.
I also have ssh working, and I can log in remotely after registering with DLINK's DDNS service.
In the SVN config for the repository I put in root as the user and the root password.  If I try to connect from TortoiseSVN using svn+ssh://... it asks for user and password and then fails... so how do I set this up right?  (I tried to do this using both the local IP and the dyndns domain, with TCP over port 22 properly forwarded in the router)

Last edited by Prune (2008-10-27 05:24:03)



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