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#1 2008-12-11 06:05:57

New member
Registered: 2008-12-11
Posts: 2

Lighttpd and mod_rewrite

Hi everybody.

I have a working DNS-323 with Fonz´s fun_plug 0.5 and Im happy with it.
Also, I managed to get work lighttpd-1.4.20 and all packages and extra-packages from: 
Its includes a working MySQL installation ( 5.1.28rc ), PHP and Perl 5.10 with database modules working.

What I have not figured out is how to make lighttpd to use mod_rewrite properly.
I have several dynamic PERL websites for my internal use only which I would like to run from the DNS-323.
In my laptop those websites run good using Apache 2 with an .htaccess file for each one, just for SEO purposes. 

Inside the .htaccess ( for Apache ), I use the ForceType directive as:
  <Files myscript> 
     ForceType application/x-httpd-cgi 

The purpose of this directive is to let "myscript" run from the URL without specifying the extension (eg. "myscript" instead of "myscript.cgi"), so It will appear as a folder for Search Engines instead of a script, in order to get a friendly URL.

Ok.  I have read a lot about lighttpd and now I know it doesnt translate .htaccess files directly.  Instead it uses diferent approaches to reach the desired goal.  In fact, I read how to make this goal by using lighttpd.

The problem is that after reading some links and changing the "/ffp/etc/lighttpd.conf" file according to steps in  links below I cannot get mod_rewrite module to function properly in DNS-323.  In fact, it doesn't appears to work at all.

Take a look at these links: 
Link#1: http://redmine.lighttpd.net/wiki/1/MigratingFromApache   -  The BEST reference I have found.
  ( SEE inside:  "Directory !ForceType Migration"  and "Pretty URLs (or '.php' script auto-detection)" )

Link#2: http://forum.lighttpd.net/topic/240

Link#3: http://osdir.com/ml/web.lighttpd/2005-03/msg00085.html

1. Uncommented "mod_rewrite" module.  Line 15 in my lighttpd.conf.
2. Uncommented "mod_cgi" module.   Line 29 in my lighttpd.conf.
3. Uncommented both lines of "cgi.assign"  and corrected the path to perl.  See lines 231 - 232
               cgi.assign                 = ( ".pl"  => "/ffp/bin/perl",
                                                   ".cgi" => "/ffp/bin/perl" )

4. Add these lines to make the rewrite at the end of the lighttpd.conf file:
(Used one at a time, to test.  My script is call "p.cgi")
        #url.rewrite-once = ("^p/(.*)$" => "/p.cgi/$1")
          url.rewrite-repeat = ( "p/(.*)" => "/p.cgi/$1" )
5. After each change I restarted the web server ( using: "sh /ffp/start/lighttpd.sh restart" )
6. At the end, I test the URLs to see if it worked:
    FIRST:  http://nas1/website/p.cgi/page1.html  -  This works as expected. It is the Control URL.
    SECOND: http://nas1/website/p/page1.html  -  It DOES NOT work.  So, here is my problem.

So, from my point of view, Im missing something or mod_rewrite is not working properly as expected.

1. I have not used the "fastcgi.map-extensions" method  described in Link#1, because I'm not willing to make changes to all my websites.  So, I prefer the general mod_rewrite solution.

2. The only other way to I can imagine to reach my goal would be to chroot debian into DNS-323 and the install Apache 2 and forget everything about lighttpd.  But, I prefer to use that option as last resource since it appears to be more complicated and more RAM consuming.

Has anyone got something similar to work?

Thanks in advance.



#2 2008-12-15 16:29:57

New member
Registered: 2008-12-11
Posts: 2

Re: Lighttpd and mod_rewrite

any suggestion?  anybody?



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