DSM-G600, DNS-3xx and NSA-220 Hack Forum

Unfortunately no one can be told what fun_plug is - you have to see it for yourself.

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#1 2008-12-14 16:20:19

New member
Registered: 2008-12-14
Posts: 3

Couple Starter Questions

This is my first post so please be kind smile

I recently bought a DNS-323 after looking at this one and a similar product from linksys. A couple guys that had the linksys told me it was a pain to setup and I would be better off with the 323.

I got 2 Seagate 1TB drives for it and made them into standard volumes (1 & 2) and upgraded to 1.05.

Now my questions are the following,

1)Is there anyway for the 323 to automatically backup just 1 or 2 folders from volume 1 to volume 2. I cant seem to be able to find anything on that that explains it clearly. I wanna have my pictures on 2 drives but dont need to copy the rest on it too as it would be a waste of space.

2)It says it has bittorrent support but how does that work? Do I need a special program? I use utorrent on my computer. Is it compatible?

3)how do I go about being able to lets say from work go look at my files?

I know these have probably been answered in the past and I'm sorry if it sounds 'noobish', but I am just that, a noob wishing how to fully use this new storage device to its full potential.

Thanks in Advance!



#2 2008-12-15 17:16:29

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Registered: 2008-12-14
Posts: 3

Re: Couple Starter Questions

Well I saw that we can install something called fun_plug and that would allow me to install some other programs to back things up from one HD to the other.

Will installing all these make me loose all my data on the first one? Right now I back things up manually from one drive to the other once a week...... Takes forever.......

Any help on this would be greatly apreaciated. I really don't want to loose over 20 years of family photo's from installing these addon packs.




#3 2008-12-15 18:35:55

Registered: 2007-08-16
Posts: 14

Re: Couple Starter Questions


You didn't say what technical level you are happy with. You will need to be comfortable with using the command line to work with a lot of the things people use on this forum/wiki. But if you can follow instructions you should do fine.

I use Fonz Fun Plug. http://dns323.kood.org/howto:ffp
Installing this will not make you lose data, though you will need some space in the first drive to put it. It basically adds software in a new directory, and uses a feature of the box to start up some extra programs when the box is started. It doesn't remove anything though, and it runs on top of the original OS.

As for your questions:
1. I don't do this, so I won't answer.

2. There is a bittorrent program available with firmware 1.05, but I don't use that. I'm using Transmission as described on this forum, and it works nicely -
http://dns323.kood.org/forum/t2719-%5BR … ssion.html
It is a different program from utorrent but it works similarly. With this Transmission you control it from a web browser.

3. Accessing your files from work can be done, but it will depend a lot more on what network router you have and what that can do, than on this box.
I just use ssh to access my box from work, because I'm a Linux user. The steps I took were roughly these:
- install Fonz Fun Plug - this includes setting up a ssh server.
- set up port forwarding on my router to go from an external port to the ssh port on the DNS-323.
- set up a Dynamic DNS account, and the updater for it on my router - this means I can have a DNS name which points to my home address even if the router IP address changes.

Bear in mind that if you have a normal ADSL or cable modem connection at home, any remote access to your files will be pretty slow.



#4 2008-12-15 22:04:49

New member
Registered: 2008-12-14
Posts: 3

Re: Couple Starter Questions

Thanks for the reply edward3h,

I would consider my lvl to be beginner-low lvl intermediate. Ive done some low lvl programming in the past during college but that is it. Following instructions shouldn't be a problem.

Installing Fonz Fun Plug wont erase my data and will enable some features, GREAT! Thats going on.

I'll have to try that Transmission prgram and see how it goes. If I can transfer my downloading from the computer to the 323 I'd be able to free my computers and turn them off once in a while that would be good smile

I don't use linux at all. My work enviroment is 95% windows and 5% apple I would say so going to linux is a no go. If there was a web-page like based file browser that would let me download my pictures and documents from the 323 to where I am that would be great. My upload is the standard 1Mb/s and I don't intend to upload video or anything too big.

So I guess finding a way to automatically backup some folders from VOL1 to VOL2 and I'm set.

Thanks in advance guys for the help.

Last edited by CuBe (2008-12-15 22:05:22)



#5 2008-12-16 00:23:26

Registered: 2008-09-06
Posts: 81

Re: Couple Starter Questions

sorry not exactly what you would expect, but here are a few general hints:

ad 1)
what about a scheduled task which runs every night which calls a specific app which synchronizes your 2 directories ..?
searchengine: at, crontab for scheduled tasks (google, yahoo, ...)

DNS-323     F/W: 1.06  H/W: ??  ffp: 0.5  Drives (normal mode): 1 x 1,5 TB Seagate SATA II ST31500341AS, 1 x 250 GB Western Digital SATA I



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