DSM-G600, DNS-3xx and NSA-220 Hack Forum

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#1 2007-04-23 18:56:30

Registered: 2007-04-23
Posts: 6

DNS-323 Stability Error Message

I need some advice here as D-LINK is really struggling with this problem.   I have a DNS-323 that came with the original firmware 1.01. I formatted it using RAID1 with EXT3.  As you all know, D-LINK in their infinite wisdom, removed support for EXT3 in firmware 1.02(thanks for the notice in the firmware notes!) 

After upgrading to 1.02, I had to reformat the RAID1 volume with EXT2. 
I then upgraded to 1.02b.  I began receiving the following error message which flashes very QUICKLY on the login screen.


Backup your files before proceeding!

To stabilize operation, pleae login and select TOOLS ---> RAID to reformat your device with an EXT2 file system."

I sent an email to D-LINK in obvious concern.
D-LINK said upgrade to 1.03 and all your dreams will come true!
Upgraded to 1.03
Error message still exists. (all my dreams didn't come true...)
D-Link says "Reformat drives AGAIN to EXT2" with firmware 1.03.  That's Great News! - I love reformatting!
I buy 500GB hard-drive and manually copy hundreds of gigs to save my data.
Reformat with with RAID1 - EXT2.
Format is successful and shows EXT2 filesystem.

*With NO data on the drive - I do not receive the warning. 
I proceed to copy my data back to the DNS-323. Life is good!
After all data is restored, the error message has returned.  <click, click> BLAM!!

Has anyone else encountered this problem?
Any suggestions, thoughts, advice, or witty sarcasm?  I need any help I can get  or at least a good laugh smile

Last edited by thorlos1974 (2007-04-23 18:58:41)



#2 2007-04-24 22:56:10

Registered: 2007-04-23
Posts: 6

Re: DNS-323 Stability Error Message

The drives installed are both 400Gb Seagate ST3400633AS - RK
D-LINK has stated that they have never seen this error message before.
Based on the lack of response from this group of experts, I'm beginning to think I'm the only one with this problem.

Does anyone else have the 400Gb Seagate ST3400633AS - RK  Installed and working without problem>?
It would help if I could at least verify for D-LINK that others are using these with no problems.




#3 2007-04-25 06:25:38

Registered: 2007-04-23
Posts: 6

Re: DNS-323 Stability Error Message

D-LINK has confirmed that the 400Gb Seagate ST3400633AS - RK is not the problem.   

After being asked to update my firmware to 1.03 and reformat (the very step I just performed) AGAIN, I can only laugh.  Apparently, it is not as easy as D-LINK just asking the developers what in the heck triggers this message...

Well, here is my theory:
It seems likely to me that one of the files that I backed up prior to reformmating (the hidden\system files and directories ) contains some reference to the EXT3 file system even though the drives are now absolutely in EXT2 format.   If I recopied these system files back to the DNS-323 after a fresh format, could that be causing the error message I'm seeing? 

I hope the error is merely cosmetic and is caused by some leftover legacy EXT3 files.  Anyone know if it is safe to delete the following files and/or directories?

._.TemporaryItems  (file)
.DS_Store  (file)
.lpd  (Directory)
.TemporaryItems (Directory)

Any help is greatly appreciated!

Last edited by thorlos1974 (2007-04-25 07:55:19)



#4 2007-05-10 22:29:57

Registered: 2007-04-23
Posts: 6

Re: DNS-323 Stability Error Message

My friend purchased a brand new DNS-323 and brought it over for me to configure.  I slapped in the drives, upgraded to 1.03 firmware and formatted the drives with EXT-2 and Raid 1.  To my complete amazement, the exact same error message(see above) is also happening on his unit!   

I did notice that the drives he has are the Seagate 400GB drives, but one is the 7200.9 and the other is the 7200.10.  Is there an issue with mixing the two?  Is it possible that the newer 7200.10's are the problem?

Is anyone else succesfully using the Seagate 400GB (or larger) in the DNS323??

BTW, D-link just informed me that the only officially support 250GB drives.   What the heck?  Where is that printed?  Has anyone else heard this or know where it is documented??

Any help is GREATLY appreciated!



#5 2007-05-11 00:49:58

Registered: 2007-02-22
Posts: 22

Re: DNS-323 Stability Error Message

i have a 400gb and a 500gb seagate and works fine

Vendor: SAMSUNG   Model: HD401LJ           Rev: ZZ10
Vendor: SAMSUNG   Model: HD501LJ           Rev: CR10



#6 2007-05-11 08:50:18

Registered: 2007-03-13
Posts: 5

Re: DNS-323 Stability Error Message

What browser are you using ? And are scripts enabled ?
I have seen the login page display this message in Firefox with no-script running before allowing scripts to run..



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