DSM-G600, DNS-3xx and NSA-220 Hack Forum

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#1 2009-03-20 13:45:18

New member
Registered: 2009-03-20
Posts: 1

Accented characters


I'm new to this forum.

I received my DNS-323 3 days ago but I still have problems to configure the network access list. Once the HD formatted and the DNS configured, I updated the FW from 1.05 to 1.06 and I do not format again the HD after the update (maybe shoud I ?)

It seems that the DNS supports now unicode so all is working well with filenames and folder names.

The remaining problem is that I am unable to:

- use accented characters in a user login (ie characters like 'é' or 'ë') (not a big problem for me)
- most annoying, mount a network drive using a share that maps a path that contains accented characters (ie 'Frédéric') If a rename the folder name without these special characters (to 'Frederic'), that works.

So, is it possible to assign permissions to only the user 'Frédérique' to the folder 'Volume_1\Frédérique' ?
The D-Link Easy Search Utility don't display correctly this share (the 'é' is replaced with others bad characters)

Thank you in advance to each person who will help me.


PS: I use Windows XP Home SP3

Last edited by ZeNas (2009-03-20 14:11:55)



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