DSM-G600, DNS-3xx and NSA-220 Hack Forum

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#1 2009-04-22 21:21:57

New member
Registered: 2009-04-22
Posts: 1

Problems with re-connecting Networkdrive on DNS323 with computer(s)

I have a DN323 NAS in my network with several computers. With 2 wired connected computers and with 1 wireless laptop the networkdrive (N:) is reconnected if the computer is restarted.
With to new laptops the reconnection with the network drive fails after restarting the computer. After the first installation I had normal connection. I have also made a short-cut to the NAS directory and this short-cut is working normally (so I can access the NAS).

On both new laptops I also get the request for the installation of the drivers for the DNS-323 (but I can't remember I have install any driver on the other PC's). I installed the software (and the Networkdrive with the delivered CD)

On all computers I run Windows Vista. All computers run with only one user and there are no drive restrictions on the NAS.

Please advise how to make my networkdrive work properly after restarting the computer.

Last edited by Aldegro (2009-04-22 21:22:15)



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