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#1 2009-05-08 21:31:43

New member
Registered: 2009-05-08
Posts: 3

Install Hard Drive used by DNS-323 into computer


I have a DNS-323 with two Seagate 7200rpm Barracuda Hard Drives.  One of the drives is acting up (another post).  I removed the DNS323 HDs one at a time and installed them into my Nexstar Hard Drive Dock (conneted to computer via USB) to see if I could view their contents with my desktop computer(XP) and even tried my notebook computer (Vista).  Neither computer shows that the hard drive(s) are connected.  I tried the suspect drive and the  good drive and got the same result.

Can the drives only be viewed if installed in the DNS-323?

Do I have to do something special to view these drives when not installed in the DNS-323?

thank you




#2 2009-05-08 21:46:39

Registered: 2009-03-26
Posts: 100

Re: Install Hard Drive used by DNS-323 into computer

The something special is called Linux, or more precisely the ext2fs file system used by Linux.

There are basically two ways to view these drives on a PC.
(i) plug them into a working linux computer.
    This can be done by installing linux, or running a live-cd style distribution.
(ii) use an add on for Windows that reads the ext2fs file system.
     I know of two.   One is called something like ext2 ifs which stands for ext2 installable file system.
     This makes windows 2k/xp understand ext2 about as well as it understands ntfs.      I've had
     good results with read-only mode and mixed results with r/w, although others have had good
     The second is something like ext2fs explorer.    It is an explorer look-alike that can interpret
     the ext2fs file system at an application level.     I have no experience with this other than
     downloading but not installing it since the ifs did most of what I wanted.

Another avenue to diagnose these drives would be to use the smarttools package natively on
the dns-323.   It mostly works, including short and long self-tests and surface scans.     

It goes without saying that you may want to back up the data some time soon.



#3 2009-05-09 16:37:12

New member
Registered: 2009-05-08
Posts: 3

Re: Install Hard Drive used by DNS-323 into computer


Thanks TalkingRock,  I first downloaded Ubuntu and tried to do a LiveCd operation but that failed so I checked out ext2 ifs  but I was a little nervous when it mentioned that data could get corrupted so I searched the web and found this site.

http://www.howtoforge.com/access-linux- … om-windows

I tried DiskInternals Linux Reader and it worked (reads only) and I can see all the folders and files so that is promising.  That was late last night and I have errands to run this mornng.  But I know that the data is there.  As you said I need to make a copy ASAP, so I am going to buy a backup hard drive today





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