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Hello everyone,
I have been trying to move the /home folder on my Ubuntu desktop to the DNS-323 but haven't quite figured it out. Has anyone else managed to do this successfully?
Here is what I have tried:
1. Mount DNS: 1. $sudo gedit /etc/fstab and add the line: dns.ip.address:/mnt/HD_a2 /media/DNS-323 nfs rw,auto 0 0 2. $sudo mount -a 2. Make a new home directory 1. $mkdir /media/DNS-323/home 3. Copy home folder 1. $sudo find . -depth -print0 | sudo cpio --null --sparse --preserve-modification-time -pvd /media/DNS-323/home/ 4. Move your existing home folder (note: make sure everything was moved cleanly before this step!!!!) 1. $sudo mv /home /old_home
* Note: after this, the wallpaper disappears, indicating that Ubuntu can't find /home
5. Make a new home for /home: 1. $sudo mkdir /home 6. Modify your /etc/fstab file: 1. $sudo gedit /etc/fstab and add the line: dns.ip.address:/mnt/HD_a2/home /home nfs nodev,nosuid 0 2 2. $sudo mount -a
* Note: after this, the wallpaper reappears, indicating that Ubuntu found the new /home on the DNS-323
At this point, I was patting myself on the back for a job well done. Then the next time I booted up, I got a nasty error saying something about /home not being found. To recover I booted in recovery mode then put /home & fstab back to original.
Any ideas as to what I may have done wrong? Has anyone else been able to do this?
Has no-one else attempted this?
My best guess is that the nfs driver hasn't been loaded by the time Ubuntu is ready to load contents from /home. Can anyone confirm this?
This page talks about general NFS setup on Ubuntu:
This page suggests changing the startup priority of GDM:
http://www.benjiegillam.com/2008/05/ubu … ry-issues/
Found with Google. I haven't tried it myself - I prefer to keep a local /home directory and rsync it to the DNS-323 as a backup.
To Your original problem. What are You exporting from You DNS-323?
is it /mnt/HD_a2 ?
You need to export /mnt/HD_a2/home as well. Add it into exports on Your DNS-323.