Unfortunately no one can be told what fun_plug is - you have to see it for yourself.
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Pardon me for posting a bunch of stuff, but I figure I will document what I'm doing.
I have no idea if this is the right thing to do, but I did it anyway. The worst is I just go back and unpack the 2006.1 distribution again and start over.
I did emerge --unmerge sys-apps/util-linux and this was pretty hairy. It removed a lot of stuff.
Then I did this again:
emerge -av sys-apps/baselayout
This failed with an error that it couldn't unpack the lzma compressed coreutils source.
So I found on the 'net a solution to edit the /usr/lib/coreutils/bin/ebuild.sh file and add this to the unpack() function's big case statement:
if [ "${y}" == "tar" ]; then
lzma -dc "${srcdir}${x}" | tar xof - ${tar_opts}
assert "$myfail"
lzma -dc "${srcdir}${x}" > ${x%.*} || die "$myfail"
You need to ensure you have lzma installed: emerge -av sys-arch/lzma
This worked, but the build is still going so who knows what the next error will be.
This reminds me of my early NetBSD days.
Last edited by acruhl (2009-02-02 22:58:01)
Dont use emerge --sync if its not working for you. Instead just delete old portage and extract new one from latest bzipball.
Blocker package means that packages conflict. Then you can either keep blocking package or un-emerge it to install new one.
I'm more worried about why it doesn't work than it just not working. There are IPC errors, this seems like a problem.
Maybe I'm too optimistic about the capabilities of uclibc and gentoo on this hardware? I'm probably spoiled by NetBSD, once it's ported to hardware it's normally pretty stable and complete.
I'm still trying stuff. I'm not able to re-install util-linux, so I figure I'll try an older compiler to see if it will build this time. I'm having lots of strange errors.
I can only suggest that you should not mess around to much. Best is to just let stage be as it is and update packages only if it is dependencies. But so far I have all running smoothly. There is huge gentoo forum where you probably can find solutions to any gentoo related problems, including uclibc embeded gentoo.
Ok, one more and I'm hoping I won't bug you too much more.
Does this machine require uclibc? If I build a whole new environment, including kernel, does it still need uclibc?
It seems like there's no reason it actually needs it when you install the OS to the hard drive, unless I'm missing something. I might try the loader.o method to load another kernel with a non uclibc environment if it's possible.
No it does not need to be uclibc, you can chroot to libc environment easily. But uclibc is recommended for low memory devices.
I fortunately have been messing with Linux and NetBSD since the time when 32 megs of memory was a luxury I'm sure I can figure something out. I'm not a C coder but I have unparalleled ugly hack skills.
Hello everyone,
I'm getting nuts with gentoo on DSM-G600. I'm not a gentoo user so may be I'm missing something.
I've followed the gentoo chroot wiki, but I can't get to do the "emerge sys-apps/baselayout".
After a few tests and web search, I'm often blocked with this error :
root@DSM-G600 / # emerge portage Calculating dependencies - !!! All ebuilds that could satisfy ">=dev-lang/python-2.5" have been masked. !!! One of the following masked packages is required to complete your request: - dev-lang/python-2.6.2-r1 ([b]masked by: required EAPI 2, supported EAPI 0[/b]) - dev-lang/python-2.5.4-r2 (masked by: required EAPI 1, supported EAPI 0) - dev-lang/python-2.5.4-r3 (masked by: required EAPI 1, supported EAPI 0)
I have the same error on a depending package of sys-apps/baselayout.
Do you know how to resolve this issue ?
I have the same problem as you
For emerging portage we need EAPI 1 but EAPI 1 is a part of portage.
So I think we need to hand-compilate python 2.5.4 and forcing the emerging of portage ...
Sorry for my bad english, I hope you'll understand me
Last edited by Yamashita Ren (2009-07-12 23:26:20)
Try some older version of sys-apps/baselayout
1.11.15-r3 is oldest available in most current portage tree.
emerge -av =sys-apps/baselayout-1.11.15-r3
I am using 1.12.6 but you will need to google for ebuild if 1.11.15-r3 or isn't working.
Thanks for the tip !
It worked, I had to use sys-fs/udev-114 to get emerge the baselayout (since next version only support 2.6 kernel)
I've updated the wiki with this tip : http://dns323.kood.org/dsmg600/howto:ch … mp;do=diff
If there's something wrong in the wiki, don't hesitate to tell me. I'm still a gentoo newbie
Hi again,
Finaly i choose gentoo as chroot on my CH3WNAS conceptronic. but i failed on updating /etc/make.conf /etc/fstab ... i edit the both files but can't save them ! seems i do not have rw access even if i'm su?!
any help ? thank you