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#1 2007-05-21 21:30:34

DNS-323 Talker
Registered: 2007-05-21
Posts: 245

iTunes server...searched/read & need confirmation of limitations...

I've done some reading on the DNS-323 iTunes server in this forum, and have some questions...

I currently have an SC101 I'm replacing w/the DNS-323. I have iTunes sharing configured w/the SC101 in the following way:

1. All music in G:\Media\iTunes on the SC101
2. Son's desktop w/iTunes installed and his iTunes library pointed at g:\Media\iTunes on the SC101...he "owns" the library and is the only one who can add music, change properties, etc.
3. Son shares music via normal iTunes sharing...we access from other desktops/laptops via iTunes and are able to play the shared music library
4. All iPod syncing is done from his PC...mostly just him, I have an "old" 20g model that I update very infrequently. 

I assume I can do this w/the DNS-323...I could copy the files from the SC101 to the DNS-323 using the same drive-mapping/folder structure and just keep doing it that way.

I could also make use of the DNS-323 iTunes server...but I haven't been able to confirm it really works, and what limitations it has from reading messages here:

1. I'm not sure what benefit I would get from using the iTunes server in the DNS-323 vs. continuing to do what I have been doing w/the SC101.  Do I gain anything in particular, aside from maintaining the music share when my son's PC is off (which is almost never) or being rebooted, etc.?
2. Can you set up one person to "own" the music library on the DNS-323, who would be able to add new music, modify library, settings etc.?  I believe I've read here that music shared via the iTunes server is completely read-only...
3. Any DRM limitations?  We haven't bought too much music via download that has DRM, but we do have some, and wondering if there is any issue sharing that music?  All the desktops/laptops that would play the music are authorized for our iTunes music account.
4. Is this comment below still true?  Seems like a pain...every time my son rips a new album/adds music I'd have to restart the DNS-323 to see those new songs via the DNS-322 iTunes share? 

lycaon wrote:

The only drawback is that the DNS323 has to be restarted to update the list with new songs added to the library.

Thanks for any help.

DNS-323 w/two Seagate 500 GB RAID1
Fonz's Fun_Plug- Don't DNS-323 without it!



#2 2007-05-22 18:37:06

DNS-323 Talker
Registered: 2007-05-21
Posts: 245

Re: iTunes server...searched/read & need confirmation of limitations...

Still hoping for some feedback on this...  smile

DNS-323 w/two Seagate 500 GB RAID1
Fonz's Fun_Plug- Don't DNS-323 without it!



#3 2007-05-29 19:33:21

Registered: 2007-05-29
Posts: 19

Re: iTunes server...searched/read & need confirmation of limitations...

Might be able to add a little insight.  Hopefully I'm not lying too blatantly.  wink

There's sort of an implied reliance on iTunes here, that isn't really there.  One of the benefits of using a NAS, is that its on the network, so you don't need iTunes on one of the PCs (I'm assuming they're PC because of the G:\ reference) to share it.  Simply open WinAmp, MediaPlayer, foobar200, etc. and play the files directly from the G:\ drive.

If all of your music files are in mp3, then you really don't need iTunes in the mix at all, unless you really love it (I don't).

If you really want to use iTunes as a music client:
- Put all of your files on the NAS-323.
- Configure mt-daapd/Firefly to point to the root of the directory where the files are
- allow it to scan the directories (you configure the scan interval)

and it will serve the files in largely the same way iTunes would.  I suspect you'll lose album covers, etc.

I'll try to answer the individual questions:

1) If you're committed to doing things the way you're doing them ... not much to gain.  If you think you could live with the NAS-233 being your server (rather than your son's PC), no one need to be the library "dictator".  Anyone can add music, tag it, modify it, etc.; each from their own PC.  If you're still missing iTunes at that point, you can each have your own iTunes library locally, pointing to the common share.

2) The way you're sharing it ... if you're a client of your son's PC, the music is read-only to you.

3) Ah yes.  DRM limitations.  They do (of course) exist.  Anything you've bought from iTunes is tied to the machine you bought them on (AFAIK).  Really, the only way to access them is the way you're doing it.  There is something out there called PlayFair and a few other hacks, and I think the Firefly folks have made some attempts at integrating it with their server, but Apple doesn't license any of that stuff, so I think its an uphill (and possibly illegal?) battle.
You can read more here:

4) In my experience no.  However, its worth noting that the first thing I did with my NAS-323 was upgrade from mt-daapd to Firefly (using a guide on this site).  With the newer version, it polls based on a configurable time period, so at most, you'd have to wait that amount of time before you see your newly added files.  Mines configured for 5 minutes.  I can't honest say if that's a feature on the "factory" version of mt-daapd.

Hopefully that's some help.



#4 2007-05-30 01:37:32

DNS-323 Talker
Registered: 2007-05-21
Posts: 245

Re: iTunes server...searched/read & need confirmation of limitations...

Thanks very much for the detailed reply, CurtisL...I appreciate it.  We need to keep iTunes around to "feed" the iPods we own, and a relatively small but important (to my son) portion of our music was purchased on iTunes so we're hostage to the Fariplay DRM until and unless I bother to 'de-DRM" (in the case of EMI, by upgrading any EMI music to the DRM-free versions which are supposed to be coming on iTunes). 

Appreciate the info!

DNS-323 w/two Seagate 500 GB RAID1
Fonz's Fun_Plug- Don't DNS-323 without it!



#5 2007-06-06 01:42:40

New member
Registered: 2007-06-06
Posts: 1

Re: iTunes server...searched/read & need confirmation of limitations...

Check out QTFairuse:  http://hymn-project.org/forums/index.php

works with the new iTunes 7.2 and will strip all the DRM off of your entire library in no time at all.

I did this using the 7.1 version of iTunes and it removed the DRM off of my 5000+ songs while I was eating dinner :-)   and... just for safekeeping it will backup the song version with the original Apple DRM for you in the folder of your choice.


Last edited by t3k (2007-06-06 01:45:45)



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