DSM-G600, DNS-3xx and NSA-220 Hack Forum

Unfortunately no one can be told what fun_plug is - you have to see it for yourself.

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#1 2009-08-29 20:30:44

New member
Registered: 2008-10-06
Posts: 3

DNS-323 problems (no web interface, only access via wireless, etc)...

Last night something odd started happening.  I don't know what the cause was but my router reset to factory defaults and I was unable to get access to my NAS.  I messed around with the router and have got it up and running properly again but I am still having trouble getting full access to my NAS.  If I use the Easy Search utility it finds the NAS properly with the IP that I have assigned it but I am unable to access the configuration screen.  I have tried typing the address with the proper port in the address bad and still nothing.  On my hardwired desktop I unable to access the NAS via windows explorer and the mapped network drive or via FTP.  The only way I am able to get access to my files is by with my wireless laptop, but even there it is only via the mapped network drive in windows explorer.

I have browsed the forums here looking for info and it looks like I am probably going to have to do a hard reset on my NAS to get things back to normal.  Before I do that I was wondering, will my funplug twonkey and all those settings be effected by a hard reset from the button on the back?  Also I have a web server setup on my NAS that works on the internal network but only from the wireless connected laptop so it is set to use port 80 and I had moved the web setup service to port 81.  How will a reset effect that?  Lastly, I have jumbo frames setup on my desktop and my NAS should I have to turn jumbo frames off on the desktop before I am able to access it again after the reset?

Thanks for the help.


UPDATE:  I have been doing some testing with my friend at a remote location.  He is able to access my website and my FTP.  The FTP however is only accessable with one username.  I am also able to access the FTP from my wired desktop with that one username only the other usernames seem to stall when trying to log in.  My friend was able to access the DLink web access via port 81 from a remote location but when he tried to use my username and password for admin it said "currently logged in by another".  This is the only way the web access has been able to work.  I don't understand this at all.

UPDATE 2:  I just tried something else.  I hooked up the NAS and my wired desktop with just my gigabit switch and no router.  With this setup I am able to access my personal website from my desktop and also access the mapped network drive.  I am also able to get into the web setup screen.  From the looks of it nothing seems to be setup differently or changed.  I plugged my wire going to my living room to see if I can access the NAS from my popcorn hour.  I am unable to access it from there and it looks like twonkey is not starting up either.  I am very confused at this point and don't know what to do.  I am open to any suggestions.  Thanks!

Last edited by NickPDX (2009-08-29 21:26:39)



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